Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/72

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42 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 137, 138. 1860. b£¤°:§:·°*’ *° payments thereunder shall cease whenever the contractors fail to comply um, i, i,,:°Qm_ with their contract; that the government shall at all times be entitled m P tion, &c. priority in the use of the line or lines, and shall have the privilege, when authorizedb law, of conusctin said line or lines b tele ra h with an Y S Y 5 P Y L_ b military posts of the United Sgatcs, and to usc the same for government rt":: {Q6 su purposes: And provided, ako, That said line or lines, except such as may g¥:J1¤zuz8¤S,Ou be constructed by the government to connect said line or lines with the P¤Ym°¤*» &<=· military posts of the United States, shall be open to the usc of all citizens of the United States during the term of the said contract, on payment of the regular charges for transmission of dispatches: And provided, also, $5***8 °Y That; such charges shall not exceed three dollars for a. single dispatch of rg°°°‘ ten words, with the usual proportionate deductions upon dispatches of Right granted greater length, provided that nothing herein contained shall confer upon Qf;sQ$£° °"' the said parties any exclusive right to construct a telegraph to the Paciic, or dcbar the government of the United States from granting, from time to time, similar franchises and privileges to other parties. Branch Hm to Sec. 2iml.i4:d benj!. enactfd, Fha; the- saiil colptractirprs, or Qhir 0;-cpu. assigns, s ave c mg o cons ruc an maintain t rou¤ any o the territories of the gnitcd States, a. branch line, so as go connzct their said Right of way, line or lines with regon; and that they shall have the permanent right &°- of way for said line or lines, under, or over, any uuappropriated public lands and waters in the said territories, by any route or routes which the sai? contractors may select, with the free use during the said term of such lan s as may be necessary for the purpose of establishing stations for repairs along séid Iinc or lines, not exceeding, at any station, one quartersection of land, such stations not to exceed one in fifteen miles on an average of the who1o distance; but should any of said quarte1·-sections be deemed essentxsl by the government,. or any company acting under its authority, for railroad purposes, the sand contractors shall relinquish the occupancy of so much as may be necessary for the railroad, receiving an equa amount of land for like usc in its stead. 1iQ gcv¤rnm¤n•= Suc. 3. And be iqfimhcr enacted, That if in any year during the con- Q‘t‘f;:°;‘f;°'m1‘:““ltinusncc of the sgid contract, the business zlonc for the government, as contract price, hergnnbcfore mcutzoncd, by suqh contractors or their assigns, shall, at the

§i:l*°t;°é:;f°'· ordinary rate of charges for prxvate messages, exceed the price contracted

gw_ to be paig as aforesaid, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, upon said accounts sing duly authenticated, certiiy the amount of such excess to {OP;:r€§£°Fg;g_ (iongxécis ztfrcgjdezlé That tl:; uga ofbthe lin; be given, at any time, free tmc purposes. 0 cos , 0 e as urvey, e mit souian nstitution and the National Telegram, to Obssrvamry, for scisntifiq purposes: Amlprovidcd_f%zrth;r, That messages mflnggmgglly rscmvcgl from smy'md1vrdual, company, or corporation, or from any tele- ‘ graph lmcs connecting with this line at either of its termini, shall be impsxtxally tmnsmxtted m the order of their reception, excepting that the (mgm my g`1;ps;.t€)os of thigivemment shagl have priority: And provided farther, mm, ,,_ tm, n ngress s a at any time ave the right to alter or ame d th t. M- Armzovmn, June 16, 1860. Juno 16, 1860. -—-——-—-; Cnr. CXXXVHI.-An Ac: makin Az' rh P /1 qf the Legislative Aaseg1bly §; 5¢T IEcz:z?£$1T; q; M%:.f<;€z? Be it enacted by the Senate and [hue: of R ‘ , _ _ cpresemtatwes of the Umtvd pr§g§*}gr¢m>£- States of America m Oongres: assembled, That the sum of twc-mty-six ‘ mm legismm, thousqnd dollars, or so much thereof as has not been heretofore paid, apor Mmmom. proprmted by the ast of March third, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and 1857 ch. 107. fifny·seven,forthe payment of the expenses of the le lative assembl vox xl. p.21c. . EIS Y of tthm; Tamtory of·M1:m·>sota, bc, and the same is hereby, appropriated, ou 0 any money m the, treasu not oth ‘ * to the Sum of Minnesota- ry erwnsc appropnatcd, to be pmd APPROVED, Junc 16, 1860.