Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/721

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 59. 1863. 691 Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting: Contingencies For stationery, books, furniture, and miscellaneous items, one thousand °f Navy D€P*“'*° six hundred dollars. mlm` Bureau of Navigation: For stationery, blank books, and miscellaneous items, six hundred dollars. Bureau of Ordnance: For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars. Bureau of Steam Engineering: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars. Bureau of Provisions and Clothing: For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Bnreau of Medicine and Surgery: For books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, four hundred and fifty dollars. For the General Purposes of the Southwest Executive Building.- For southwest Ex. compensation of three watchmen and two laborers of the Southwest Ex- °°¤*i"° B¤ildi”€· ecutive Building, two thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz: For labor, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, five thousand dollars. Post-Office Department.·—·For compensation of the Postmaster-Gem Post-Omoo eral, three Assistant Postmasters-General, and the clerks, messenger, as- D°P“'°’“°“°‘ sistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers of said department, one hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation of twenty-tive additional clerks, twenty thousand dollars. Oontingent Expenses of Post·Office Depm·tment.——For blank books, Comingentex binding, and stationery, fuel for the General Post-Office building, includ- £;“?§l;;§‘ 0* ing the Auditor’s office, oil, gas, and candles, printing; repairs of the P ` General Post—Otlice building, office furniture, glazing, painting, whitewashing, and for keeping the fireplaces and furnaces in order ; for watchmen, engineer, (For steam·<-zngine,) laborers, repairs of furniture, and for miscellaneous items, thirty-five thousand dollars. Department of Agriculture.———For the salary of the Commissioner of D9p¤¤fm¢¤f¤f Agriculture, three thousand dollars. Ag"°°l°i"€' For the salary of the chief clerk in the Department of Agriculture, Ch?;;lgT;$;l°“°r' two thousand dollars. r For the collection and compiling of agricultural statistics ; for promot- Statistics, &c. ing agricultural and rural economy; and the procurement, propagation, and distribution of cuttings and seeds of new and useful varieties; and for the introduction and protection of insectivorous birds; and for the purpose of establishing a laboratory, with the necessary apparatus for practical and scientific experiments in agricultural chemistry; and for paying the clerks and employees and contingent expenses necessary in said department, ninety thousand dollars; and three thousand dollars of which appropriation shall be for encouraging the culture of cotton and tobacco. For investigations to test the practicability of cultivating and preparing g,,bst;mm fog flax and hemp, as a substitute for cotton, twenty thousand dollars. ¢<>W>¤- Jlhnt of the United States at Philadehohia. -·— For salaries of the direc- MintatPhi1a· tor, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, chief coiner and engraver, as- d°lPh‘“· sistant assayer, assistant melter and retiner, and seven clerks, twenty-six thousand four hundred dollars.