Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/724

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694 THIRTY-—SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 59. 1863. For salaries of clerks in the oflzice of the assistant treasurer at St. Louis, three thousand dollars. _ _ Steamboat For salaries of nine supervising, and fifty local mspectors, appointed i¤¤l><>¤¤>¥¤· under act thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the better 1852»°h~1°6· protection of the lives of passengers by steamboats, with travelling and V°l` X` p` GL other expenses incurred by them, twenty-five thousand dollars. 18.15 6h_ gg_ For contingent expenses, under the act of sixth August, eighteen hun-. V¤l.,ix·p. 59. dred and forty-six, for the safe-keeping, collection, transfer, and disburse— ment of the public revenue, in addition to premium which has been or Proviw may be received on transfer draft : Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services, twenty thousand dollars. Tax commis- Commissioners of Direct Taxes in Insurreciionary Dtstrzcts.-—For ‘*°“.°‘" ln l”?“" compensation of thirty-three commissioners, at three thousand dollars

nary dm- each, and eleven clerks at twelve hundred dollars each, one hundred and

twelve thousand two hundred dollars. For contingent expenses, six thousand dollars. Public build- Public Buildings and Grounds.- For compensation to the laborer in i¤s¤ ¤¤dsF<>¤¤d¤· charge of the water-closets in the Capitol, four hundred and thirty-eight dollars. For compensation to the public gardener, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of a foreman and twenty-one laborers employed in the public grounds, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation of the keeper of the western gate, Capitol square, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars. For compensation of two day-watchmen employed in the Capitol square, one thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation of two night-watchmen employed at the Presidenfs House, one thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation of the doorkeeper at the President’s House, six hundred dollars. For compensation of the assistant doorkeeper at the President’s House, six hundred dollars. For compensation of one nighhwatchman employed for the better protection of the buildings lying south of the Capitol, and used as public stables and carpenters’ shops, six hundred dollars. For compensation of watchman employed on reservation number two, six hundred dollars. D*‘9W·k°°P°¤'¤ For compensation of eight draw-keepers at the Potomac bridge, and at bndg°S' for fuel, oil, and lamps, six thousand Eve hundred and thirty-two dollars. For compensation of two draw-keepers at the two bridges across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac, and for fuel, oil, and lamps, one thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. For fu mace-keeper at the President’s House, six hundred dollars. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to employ a keeper of three furnaces under the old hall of the of the House of Representatives, six hundred dollars. Mmopomm Jlktropolitan Police. — For salaries and other necessary expenses of police. the metropolitan police for the District of Columbia, including the same annualicompensation (two hundred and fifty dollars) to each of the two ,,0 ,7pp_.,51,.,52. ex-oflicnolmembersl of the Board of Police from the organization thereof, August nineteen eighteen hundred and sixty-one, as is allowed by law to the Commissioners of Police. Additional. Sec. 2. And be itfur!/zer enacted, That, in addition to the clerical force ¤l¤Fk¤¤¤¤h<>1'¤=¢d· new authorized by law, the following clerks and employees are hereby authorized in the several departments and offices hereinafter specified, to be employed and continue only during the rebellion, and for one year after its close, viz: