702 THIRTY—-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 71. 1863. omce and post-roads within the United States ; and that I will honestly and truly account for and pay over any moneys belonging to the said United States which may come into my possession or control; so help me God." Persons not Every person who shall be in any manner employed in the care, custody, taking °*¥h ****1* conveyance or management of the mail, shall be subject to all pains, t°P°°°m°S’°t°' penalties, and forfeitures for violating the injunctions or neglecting the duties required of him by the laws relating to the establishment of the post-oflice and post-roads, whether such persons shall have taken the oath or atiirmation above prescribed or not. Postagetobe Sec. 3. And be it jiertlter enacted, That no mail matter shall be degy b°f°"° ‘l°l"" livered by the postmaster until the postage due thereon shall have been ‘1§°,,.,,,,,H,, be paid; and no box at any post-oliice shall be assigned to the use of any P*¤D¤id- person until the rent therefor has been paid for at least one quarter, for which the postmaster shall give a receipt, and keep a record thereof in his office, which record shall be delivered to his successor. p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That every postmaster shall keep a keep record of record in his office of all postage stamps and envelopes, and of all postal
i$_f&f;’;g· books, blanks, or property received from his predecessor in office, or from
&c.’ the Post—Otl‘ice Department, or from any of its agents, and also of all payments in money for postages, and all payments for box-rents, and of all other receipts on account of any part of the postal service, and of any other transactions which shall be required by the Postmaster-General, and li¢<=<>rd¤¤> be these records shall be preserved and delivered over to his successor in
t° S"` office, and shall be at all times subject to examination of any special agent
of the department. (g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That whenever, by reason of the fbr extra labor- presence of a military or naval force near any post-office, unusual business accrues thereat, the Postmaster-General is hereby required to make a special order allowing proportionately reasonable compensation to the postmaster, and for clerical service, during the period of such extraordinary business. Posrmasters to Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of postmnki 'iljllgs masters to render a quarter-yearly account to the Postmaster-General, 2,;],::,;,;:,;;,,;),, gm under oath, in such form as the latter shall prescribe, of all emoluments or sums by them respectively received for boxes or pigeon-holes, or other receptacles for letters or papers, and by them charged for to individuals; or for the delivery of letters or papers at or from any place whatever; and of all emoluments, receipts, and profits that have come to their hands by reason of keeping branch post-ollices; and no postmaster shall here- Not to retain after, under any pretence whatever, have or receive or retain for himself, """'° mm ”l“'Y‘ in the aggregate, more than the amount of his salary. And the Postmaster-General is further authorized to require, by a. form to be prepared by Sworn statement, him, a sworn statement to accompany or following the quarterly account of f°"" °f‘ any or all postmasters, to the effect that such postmaster has in such account truly stated the entire amount of postages, box-rents, and all other charges and emoluments collected or received by him at his office during such quarter; and that he has not knowingly delivered, or permitted to be delivered, to any person any mail matter on which the postage had not been paid at the time of delivery; and that such quarterly account exhibits truly and faithfully the entire receipts of his office which have been collected thereat, and the entire sum which could have been by due diligence collected thereat, as he verily believes; and that th credits he I claims are just and true, as he verily believes ;·an<l any false swearing Vvriufy- therein shall render him liable to the pains and penalties of perjury. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster-General is Dead letters. hereby authorized to regulate the periods during which undelivered letters shall remain in any post-ofiice, and the times such letters shall be returned to the dead-letter office, and to make regulations for their return to the writers from the dead-letter office, when he is satisfied they cannot be