Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/742

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712 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 73. 1863. tion of the Secretary, after the said notes or bonds shall be received from the engravers and before they are issued, pr the sand notes and bonds Signamm shall be signed by the treasurer of the United States, or for the treesurer by such persons as may be specially appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury for that purpose, and shall be countersigned by the register of the treasury, or for the register hy such persons as the Secretary of the Treasury may specially appoint for that purpose. And all P¤‘¤Vl¤i<>¤¤ °*` the provisions of the act entitled "An act to authorize the issue of treas-

,5,zT* °h` 1’ ury notes," approved the twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred

Vol. xi: p. 257. and fifty-seven, so far as they can be applied to this act, and not inconsistent therewith, are hereby revived and reenacted. _Duty_on bank · Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all banks, associations, corpo- 2"$‘;l’i“‘;‘§6%R°" rations, or individuals, issuing notes or bills for circulation as currency, P` shall be subject to and pay a duty of one per centum each half year from and after April first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, upon the average amount of circulation of notes or bills as currency issued beyond the amount hereinafter named, that is to say : banks, associations, corporations, or individuals, having a capital of not over one hundred thousand dollars, ninety per centum thereof; over one hundred thousand and not over two hundred thousand dollars, eighty per centum thereof; over two hundred thousand and not over three hundred thousand dollars, seventy per centum thereof; over three hundred thousand and not over five hundred thousand dollars, sixty per centum thereof; over five hundred thousand and not over one million of dollars, fifty per centum thereof; over one million and not over one million and a half of dollars, forty per centum thereof; over one million and a halt, and not over two millions of dollars, thirty per centum thereof; over two millions of dollars, twenty- Bmks with Eve per centum thereotl In the case of banks with branches, the duty "’““°h°’· herein provided for shall be imposed upon the circulation of the notes or bills of such branches severally, and not upon the aggregate circulation of all; and the amount of capital of each branch shall be considered to be Aggowm the amount allotted to or used by such branch; and all such banks, asso- °° s' ciations, corporations, and individuals shall also be subject to and pay a duty of one half of one per centum each half year from·and after April first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, upon the average amount of notes or bills not otherwise herein taxed and outstanding as currency during the six months next preceding the return hereinafter provided for; and the rates of tax or duty imposed on the circulation of associations which may be organized under the act " to provide a national currency, secured by 58. a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and A"“¤ l"°°°‘ redemption thereof? approved February twentydifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall be the same as that hereby imposed on the circulation and deposits of all banks, associations, corporations, or individuals, _ _ but shall. be assessed and collected as required by said act; all banks, hggsglfagwzf associations, or corporations, and individuals issuing or reissuing notes or ' bills for circulation as currency after April first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, in sums representing any fractional part of a dollar, shall be subject to and pay a. duty of five per centum each half year thereafter upon the amount of such fractional notes or bills so issued. And all pollllsil on de- ppnks, aslsociations, corporations, and individuals receiving deposits of Shgppycspuyect fgopayéiient pn check or draft, except savings institutions, from and éyggr Aa iuty o one eighth of one per centum each half year pril first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, upon the ayerage amount of such deposits beyond the average amount of their Bmmub circulating notes or bills lawfully issued and outstanding as currency. hunks. Y And a list or return shall be made and rendered within thirty days after the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and each six months thereafter, to the commissioner of internal revenue, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the amount of duties accrued, or