THIBTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 78. 1863. 743 ten per centum on the amount of all drawbacks so allowed shall be re- Ten oercent. to tained for the use of the United States by the collectors paying such b° *°*““°d· drawbacks respectively. Approved, March 3, 1863. CHA!. LXXVIII.—·—An Act to remote the E cie 0 the C' 0 Eand 0 March 3, 1863. the Ordnance fllkpartment, alzfl Purzzisif ngmeus f _`-; Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the corps of topographical Cm-ps of topoengineers, as a. distinct branch of the army, is hereby abolished, and from €"‘*P*“°°; °“*€'in and after the passage of this act, is merged into the corps of engineers, 5$:€s0pu;¤g€:e€,S_ which shall have the following organization, viz: one chief engineer, with Organization. the rank, pay, and emoluments of a brigadier-general ; four colonels; ten 1ieutenant—oolonels; twenty majors; thirty captains; thirty first lieutenants, and ten second lieutenants. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the general officer provided by Rank of omthe first section of this act shall be selected from the corps of engineers as °°”· therein established; and that officers of all lower grades shall take rank according to their respective dates of commission in the existing corps of engineers or corps of topographical engineers. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That no officer of the corps of engi- Engineer omneers below the rank of a fie1d—officer shall, hereafter, be promoted to a °°” "gd *31::: t higher grade before having passed a satisfactory examination before a £R2?°8xam5¤s.P board of three engineers seinor to him in rank; and should the officer fail tionat said examination, he shall be suspended from promotion from [for] one year, when he shall be reexamined, and, upon a second failure, shall be dropped by the President from the army. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there shall be added to the Additions to ordnance department one lieutenanvcolnnel, two majors, eight captains, ¤¤i¤=¤¤¤¤ dseight first lieutenauts; the additional officers herein authorized ,to be pmm°m‘ appointed by promotion, so far as the present ofllicers of the ordnance How appointed. corps will permit; and the residue to be appointed by transfers from other regiments or corps of the army: Provided, That no officer of the ord- omeers to be nance department below the rank of a field-oflicer shall be promoted or ¤¤<¤¤¤i¤·‘=d· commissioned to a higher grade, nor shall any officer of the army be commissioned as an ordnance officer until he shall have passed a satisfactory examination before a board of not less than three ordnance officers, senior to him in rank; and should such officer Tail on such examination he shall be suspended from promotion or appointment for one year, when he may be reexamined before a like board; and if} upon such second examination, an ordnance officer fail, he shall be dismissed from the service, and if an 0Hicer of the army he shall not be commissioned. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That section two of the act approved Stearpboats March three, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled “An act to pro- ;‘feS";:;°'g vide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in glmyed in mmthe military service of the United States," shall be construed to include tw; j,¤¤'Vi<>¤ *0 b¤ the steamboats and other vessels, and " railroad engines and cars," in the E39 129 W property to be allowed and paid for when destroyed or lost under the v.,;{ p_.i15_` circumstances provided for in said act. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all payments of advance bounty Payments of made to enlisted men who have been discharged before serving out the zK““t‘;° bi;°“;fY· term required by law for its payment in full shall be allowed in the set- lowzgd paymastlement of the accounts of paymasters at the treasury; but hereafter, in t¢¤‘¤· all such cases, the amount so advanced shall be charged against the en- Advance, how listed men, unless the discharge be upon surgeon’s certificate for wounds °h’“8°d· received or sickness incurred since their last enlistment. Sec. 7. And be it jhrthzr enacted, That upon any requisition here- Personsdrafted, after being made by the President of the United States for militia, any ¤¤ WM '°l¤¤**=¤'
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