Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/814

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784 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 99. 1863. For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth article treaty seventeenth Vol. vii. p. 178. September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, Eve hundred dollars. For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty twenty-eighth V°r P- 349- February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, one thousand and sixty dollars. _ For miller during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article geagyi t;;-enty-eighth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six hune dollars. sensors of Senecas of New Yo·r7c.—For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on Nm Y°"k* stock, per act of nineteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one,

 six thousand dollars.

For interest, in lieu of investment, on seventy-tive thousand dollars, at 1846,ch. 34. five per centum, per act of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred and V°r iK· 1*35- forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For interest, at five per centum, on forty-three thousand and fifty dollars, transferred from Ontario Bank to the United States treasury, per act of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. Sb?;:;;:: wd Seneeas and Shawnecs. ——- For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth VOL F 179. article tgegtylfeventeenth September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one ousan 0 rs. For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty twen- Vol. vii. p. 352. fieth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, one thousand and sixty dollars. Sl”"”}f>°¤- Shawnees. — For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per V°l· V'-‘· P- 51- fourth article treaty third August, seventeen hundred and ninety-tive, and VOL X· p- 1056- thirtd grficle treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousan dollars. For tenth instalment of interest, at five per oentum, on forty thousand dollars for education, per third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per fourth article Vol. p. 160. treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third gr-tiicle treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand o ars. Ng;¤Y}:;l°¤¤ °*` Six Natimw of New Hzrk. -· For permanent annuity in clothing and VOL vi P. 46. other useful articles, per sixth article treaty eleventh November, seventeen ._ _ hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. 8,52;;: °f M‘“‘ Swux of 1Wssissippi.—-To enable the President of the United States Appropriation to cause the Sioux of the Mississippi to be removed beyond the limits of rm- their mmm,,,;, any states, and for establishing them in their new homes, fifty thousand &<=·» and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents, the same being (in amount) equal to one third of the whole sum heretofore stipulated to be paid in the several treaties heretofore existing between the said Indians and the United States, but which treaties have been abrogated in consequence of the war · by said Indians and the people of the United States. an2g%nmt;¤§tm· For the purpose of maintaining the said Indians in their new homes, Mw 1mm_ and subsisting them and making such provisions as will enable them to support themselves by agricultural pursuits, the President is authorized to use and expend one third of the unexpended balance now remaining in the treasury, which has heretofore been appropriated for the benefit of v the said Indians, in such manner as he shall deem expedient and best calpa%¤ip¤;t):;}bs culated topromote the interests of the said Indians: Provided, That no I part of said sum shall be paid to the said Indians in money. Llrmz or Fort Cregzgalyfg FLM `€aramze.—For third of five instalments, at the disv.¤..r.,.7...§, mfr EL32.§S£’l§5I..€"2E`SZ§ZS.Z'I.i..'“tf."*1.'}1`.‘}l`S°’ i°’ "“""‘°"l °f seventy thousand dollars. , c n mms of Indians'