Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/826

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796 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 102, 103. 1863. Pa rs and hereby authorized and required to transmit to the said commissioners

 fc be such papers or records relating to the said commnssicn as he may dg3m

m“:;"¤Q°`f]‘§':¤i;'Q1_ proper, or as may be called for by the said commissioners, and at the Record, md close of the oommission, and of the dunes of the umpire, all the records, documents w be documents, and all other papers which have been presented on behalf of '°*‘“`“°‘l· the claimants, citizens of the United States, shall be returned to the D6. partment of State, or be deposited in the Legation of the United States at Lima, as the President may direct. APPROVED, March 3, 1863. Margh 3, 1353, Cmu-. CII.-Au Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to promote the Progress ty the ‘—""";"" useful Arts.” Bc it enacted Ig the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Renewal of States of Anwriw in Congress assembled, That so much of section seven mm. of the act entitled "An act to promote the progress of the useful orts," Rev"! of Pm approved July four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,as requires a renewal gf.,l88°· °h‘ 102* of the oath, be, andthe same is hereby, repealed. l vol. v. p. 119. Sec. 2. And be ot further enacted, That, whereas, the falling off of Reduction of the revenue of the patent-oiizice required a reduction of the compensa- P“Y °f °‘“ml“°’“ tion of the examiners and clerks, or other employees in the office after and clerks, may , _ _ , bg mm, up, the thirty-first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, that the commissioner of patents be, and he is hereby, authorized, whenever the revenue of the office will justify him in so doing, to pay them such sums, in addition to what they shall already have received, as will make their compensation the same as it was at that time. Datsofpstents. SEO. 3. And be it further enacted, That every patent shall be dated as of a day not later than six months after the time at which it was passed and allowed, and notice thereof sent to the applicant or his agent. And It dual fee is if the final fee for such patent be not paid within the said six months, the n22e;?:: &"‘v${m_ patent shall be withheld, and the invention therein described shall become Edd! and the in- public property, as against the applicant therefor: Provided, That in all

 cases where patents have been allowed previous to the passage of this

Promo. acl; the send six kmlonghg slfgllégbe reckoned from the date of such passage. 1>1>R0vm>, rc , . Mefell 8.1863· Can. CHI.-An Act to incorporate the Institution for the Education of Cblored Youth in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ “Thg Ingtitu. States of America in Congress assembled, That Henry Addison, John C. mllognzxflgcgggé Underwood, Qeorge C. Abbott, William H. Channing, Nancy M. John- Yom,. mob son, of the. District of Columbia, and Myrtelle. Miner, of California, and poured. ;l1;u·d;s;<$iu;es and successor? ay: hereby conlstituted {aud declared to be i an corpora , y e name an tit e “Th I t't t' for the Education of Colored Youth," to be located inothe Digtrigs dfugi; Objects. lumbna; the objects of which institution are to educate and improve the moral and intellectual condition of such of the colored youth of the nation Nm. me RS may be placed under 1ts care and influence, and by that name shall °°"“` EZ`E‘L.,‘§TL1?§`§“LF`§?.$T$?.`3; `§2"Zt£’°E'§§.£’ §“tZt”“‘l b° i“°?’ ‘°t"l°*`d ·“"d make by-laws, rules and regulations, as may li;-?nged?'uF(i'orSlth;c!;<fii;§:rl; ment of said institution, and the same to alter, amend, and abrovate at Common ml. pleasure; to have a common seal, the same to break, alter, and relixew at 0g5cm_ Wl1I_; to appoint such officers as may be required for the management of yhe iinstatution, end to assign. them their duties, and generally to provide ort e transaction of all business appertaining to said institution. And By-l·jw¤· il¤e_l>y-lows, rules, and regulations which may be so adopted, shall be as Provino. valid as 1f' they were made a part of this act: Provided, They shall not