THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 105, 106. 1863. 799 of said corporation, and sealed with their corporate seal, and signed and Acc to be in Sealed by the persons taki ng said children as apprentices or as aforesaid, and "'m“9· “”d°' acknowledged by said parties before a justice of the peace in and for said ;°;l,;,Qndz,3_°° District, and within one month thereafter recorded in the office of the register of wills for said District. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Congress may at any time This ¤¢* my hereafter alter, amend, or repeul this act. b° flg*’°d °’ "° Armovmn, March 3, 1863. pm ° ' CHAP. CVI. -An Act to de ne the Powers and Duties " 8 of Washington, District of Columbia, in regard to Ro¢;£sf,:n{l£;¢`¥r E3'; Eérjlpzsgsiunty Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the levy court of the Levy com U, county of Washington, District of Columbia, shall hereafter consist of consist of nine nine members, to be appointed by the President of the United States, by “‘°“’b°”• and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall hold their oth- Appointmgnf cos for the term of three years. But of the members to be hrst up- ¤¤<i¤¢¤¤¤*`¤\°fi¢¤· pointed one third shall be appointed and hold their offices for one year, or OM third *° 8** until the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-three; °“° °°°h Y""' one third for two years, or until the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-four; and one third for three years, or until the thirty· first of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. The terms of members When terms shall commence on the first day of January, and end on the thirty-drst °°*¤m°¤°°· day of December; and it shall be the duty of the President to nominate members, to fill the places of those whose term is about to expire, as early as the fifteenth day of December; and he may renominate any out·going member, should he•think proper to do so. Of the nine members of the court, five shall be residents of the county, three of the city of Washing- Residence, ton, and one of the city of Georgetown. In case of vacancies happen- vumcm, ing, the President shall fill them as other vacancies are illled; and the term of the person appointed to fill any vacancy shall expire when the term of him in whose place he is appointed would have expired. Szc. 2. And be it further enacted, That every person appointed as a Oath of sqm, member of the levy court shall, before he enters on his duties, take an ¤¤d ¤U¢€i¤¤¢¤· oath faithfully to discharge the duties of the office, and also to support the Constitution of the United States; and he shall also take the oath of allegiance prescribed by the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. The members of said court shall hereafter be entitled to ree ceive four dollars a day, each, for every day they shall attend a sitting of Pay. the court, and not absent themselves without permission of the court, and four dollars for every day they shall serve on a committee, to be paid by the county treasurer upon the certiicate of the president of said court. Sec. 3. And be it fiat/zc·r enacted, That the said court shall have the Jurisdicuvu, care and charge of, and the exclusive jurisdiction over, all the roads and £f‘?';;Ql_:‘“d d“"' bridges in said county, except such roads and bridges as belong to and Roms and are under the care of the United States. And the said court shall have bridges. power, and it shall be their duty - · First. To lay out, alter, repair, discontinue, and regulate any of the Laying mu, public roads and highways within said county, and at any time hereafter &°‘· 'gh`"“YS‘ to inquire and to decide whether any road in said county held by any incorporated company, has been, and is at the time of such inquiry, kept . in the condition required by the charter thereof, and if not, to take legal proceedings to acquire possession of the same as other oounty roads. Second. To levy and collect taxes for that purpose upon and from Levying, &¤., the illhabitants of said county, of the age of twenty-one years and over ; E:;?; gy; h*Sh‘ those having no property to assess to be assessed to labor. ’ Third. '1`0 appoint, annually, and take bond and security from, a clerk Appointmqpy and treasurer, and also to appoint a collector of taxes, who shall have &¤·, of clerk,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/829
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