Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/844

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814 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 117, 118. 1863. Public lands in Sec. 14. Andbc it jimker enacted 'l`hat'when the lands in the said the T<>r¤¤<>fy· Territory shall be surveyed, under the direction of the government oflthe United States, preparatory t0·l)1'll’lg1l'lg the same into inarket, sections School sections numbered sixteen and thirty-srx m each township m said territory shall '°°°"°d- bc, and the same are hereby, reserved for the purpose of heing applied to schools in said Territory, and in the states and territories hereafter to be erected out of the same. ,·T¤<li¤i¤l <U9· S20. 15. And be it jim/zer enacted, That, until otherwise nrcritied by mm ““d."”’g°` law, the governor of said Territory may define the dqfine the Judicial dis. mm M Judges. tricts of said Territory, and assign the judges who may be appointed {'cp said Territory to the several districts, and also appoint the times and places for holding courts in the several counties or subdivisions in each of said judicial districts, by proclamation to be issued by him ; but the legislative assembly, at their first or any subsequent session, may organize. alter, or modify such judicial districts, and assign the Judges, and alter the times and places of holding the courts, as to them shall seem proper and convenient. 0“l‘€°"°f*° €l"° Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That all officers to be appointed zigsgyginglusted by the President of the United States, by and with the advme and consent to them For dis- of the Senate, for the Territory of Idaho, who, by virtue of the provisions °“"“°“‘°'“‘ of any law now existing, or which may be enacted by Congress, are required to give security for moneys that may be'intrusted. with them for disburscment, shall give such security at such tune and m such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. _Tr¤¤·¤¤§, &¤·, Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That all Itrieties, laws, and other 'lm I"‘l"‘“ · engagements made by the Government of the United States with the Intrnbes,to be faith- , _ , , , , . . . . fully observed. dum tribes mhabiting the Territory embraced wuhm the provisions of this act, shall be faithiblly and rigidly observed, anythingicoutameel in this Az9¤¤i¢¤ Mid act to the contrary notwithstanding; and that the existing agencies and “l'p°"°°?°d°°' superintendencies of said Indians be continued with the same powers and cies continued. _ _ . . duties which are now prescribed by law, except that the President of the Location may United States may, at his discretion, change the location of the office of be ¢¤¤¤S°d· said agencies or superintendents. Armzovma, March 3, 1863. M ,18 . C¤.u·.CXVIII.—-A Accmaki A 'at' f zh N ttl S '. f the Y

 ending June thinly, eighteen  smjfxr, aiu! _;; othergizeipoisies. ear

Be it macho by the Senate and House QfR6]7T6807LZd!7::fJ€S ry the United Am,,°P,.;,¤,,,,_ States of America m Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otlherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen undred and sixty-four: Pay of 0mm,, _ For pay of commission, warrant, and petty officcrs and seamen, includand men. mg the engineer corps of the navy, fourteen million seven hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and thirty-two dollars and seventy cents. Ccnsti-potion For the construction and repair of vessels of the na , nine million two VY md **9***- hundred and ninety-eight thousand dollars. 0f1;5¤§§g;;?l&<=» For the purchase and building of additional steamersarepairs of SMDO, steamer; 3;.,, , r an ma erm s, an re airs 0 vesse s on ·  ;§J5?§°Eit;’§I’;’;·l”f"° ti ii ‘ ‘ °‘ *’ " ‘ , 1 ionso dollars. mfmggfg For two amionplated sea-steemers of iron of the tirst class, three million

,0,,_ tlollars
Pravzded, That no contract shall be entered into for the c0ns|¤l‘¤¢>-

qcnmct to bs tron of sand steemers until after public advertisement for proposals to build Lrilagslgggaggaer the same, published for at least thirty days in two daily newspapers of M # general circulation, puinlished in each of the cities of Washington, New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, prior to such contract being made.