Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/855

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'1`HIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Res. 21, 24-27. 1863. 825 paid by the Secretary of the Senate in pursuance of the order of that joint committee, shall be accordingly credited and allowed by the accounting 0{Ecers of the Treasury Department. Approved, February 20, 1863. . . A Resolution ea: elli r . 6 _

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Resolved {gy the Smale and House of Representative: of the United Smeg of America in Congress assembled, That George E. Badger, a Smithsonian member of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution, who is I¤¤*i°“*i°¤· now giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the Government, be, and G°°'g§,%}.3“d‘ is hereby, expelled from the said board, and that Louis Agassiz, of Cam- mgégem bridge, Massachusetts, be, and be is hereby, appointed a member of the Louis Aguaiz said board to iill the vacancy occasioned by the expulsion of Mr. Badger. °f:’°i¤*°d m N! APPROVED, February 21, 1863. P °°' [N0. Joint Resolution authorizing the Appointment of a to revise and Much 3, 1868. wdw the Naval Laws q/ the United Stale:. *‘;`*‘ Resolved by the Senate and House of Represcnlatives of the United States of Amnica in Congress assembled, That the President of the Commissioner United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint (by and with ggéxgsgg d the consent of the Senate) a commissioner, whose duty it shall be t01am0mm V revise and codify the naval laws of the United States, and report such U¤i¢¤d S*¤¤¤¤· revised code to Congress at its next session. The annual salary of said B°P°'*· commissioner shall be three thousand dollars. Salary. Approved, March 3, 1863. [No. 25.] Joint Resolution jizing the Pay of the Commandant of the Navy Yard at Mare March 3, 1863. Bland, California. *1*-‘ Resolved by lhs Senate and House of Representatives of the United P of com States of America in Congress assembled, That the pay of the officer of ,,,,,,3;,,,,, ofngvy the navy assigned no the command of the navy yard at Mare Island, yard at Mare California, shall be the sea pay of his grade. S]““d‘ Approved, March 3, 1863. . . u{tate the Pa ent o sick and wounded Soldiers in the March 8, 1863. [N0 26 1 A Rad mm wgzcqqimk and Coryvynrlksceé Camps. """"‘—""' Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sick md States of America in Congress assembled, That the paymaster-general yvounded soldiers be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to take immediate measures ggigvggciztbc. for the prompt payment of the sick and wounded soldiers in the conva- paid ,Jm,;¤’ sixty lescent camps, hospitals, and elsewhere, so that they may be fully paid dayswithin sixty days from and after the passage hereofl Approved, March 3, 1863. [N0. 27.] Joint Resolution to expedite the Printing of the President? Message andac- Much 3, 1863. companying Documents. _""*"‘ Resolved b the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Heads ¤fd¤- Sidies of Anzarica in Congress assembled, That, instead of furnishing £?;§’:E:':E;°wf?:h manuscript copies to each house of Congress, the heads of the several copies ofdocudépartments of Government be required to furnish the supcrmtendentlof ;;;*;°i]g°€§;'; the public printing with copies of the documents usually accompanying ,,,,,,,,,1 ,,,,,0,,, their annual reports on or before the first day of November of eucb year; by lab ovember Whose duty it shall be to print, in addition to the number now required by ‘“§‘:1mg';‘gt law, two thousand copies for the use of the Senate, and Eve thousand for Senate, von. xu. Pon.-104