Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/898

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852 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 109, 110, 111, 112, 113. 1860. Jlmc 9, 1860. Cgg, CIX,...An Ace for the Re[iej" éggIkirs or legal Representatives of Francie rr Z . · »he United Be t t d the Senate and House of Representatzozes of t Statest<J`:’;1;.n;¢?`Z in Congress assembled, That the hears O16 gegairegrq->• Land claim of scntatives of Francis Guillory, deceased, late of the Parxsh 0 I- ara ty, lff? °f F'"‘°" in the State of Louisiana, bc, and they are hercbytcoufirmed m the1r c zum 6,}}},Q:y °°°` to may gmc; 0;- pgrcgl of lands knowin on thvzpublxc ;urv§2§0;$¤i ;§;f?; tc d` tt f Louisiana as section num er one un zggjnsfgp Eugieg four south, range number three east, and section number seventy-aight, in township number four south, of range number four east, containing about one hundred and ninety-five acres, and that a patent shall Tm° °“]Y °*` issue therefor, as in ordinary cases: Provzded, That thxs act shall ogly be E,;;¥;hi3u°S r°` construed as a. relinquishment of whatever mle may now be vested m tI3c ' United States of America, and sha}1 m 11owise mterfere Wlfh any vahd adverse claim of other or third parues. Apraovmv, June 9, 1860. Juno 9, 1860. CHAP. CX.-An Act for the Relief of R. K Doebler. Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatryes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the asexgnment made by Assignment of Samuel H. Dill on lax1d-vvarrant for one hundred and SlXty acres of land, §‘T‘€(jw8;;%T;rL° H}lmbB!‘ ten thousand one hundred and seventeen, 1ssued fourth 1: ovembsr, mgdg mud, eighteen hundred and Hf°cy·0ne, wbxch assngmuent was made on t c twen y- eighth day of November, eighteen hundred and fifty—0ac, to R. K. Docbler, be, and the same is hereby, legalized and made vahd. APPROVED, June 9, 1860. June 9, 1860. d!·1AP. CXI.—An Aetjbr the Relie/`ey Brevez Lieuterrant-Colonel Martin Burke and C'ap·

    • 1** tain Charles S. Winder, of the United States Army.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper uccounting off}

Credit to be   cer of the treasury bc, and he is hereby, authorized and dnrected to crcQ1b

fxfgc '£ldM""‘“ the accounts of B1-evet Lieutenant-Colonel Martm Burke and Captam Charles S. Wm_ Charles S. Winder, of the United States army, with the gum of one hund¤¤‘· M $100 drcd dollars each, in being the sum they each had in thexr p0ssession on °w°h' board of the steamer San Francisco during the month of December, exghteen hundred and fifty-three, ai: which time the said steamer was lost, together with the above amounts, and which now stands charged agamst; the said Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Burke and Captain Wil1(1€I' upon the books of the treasury, it, having belonged to the recruiting fund of the United States army. APPROVED, June 9, 1860. June 9, 1860- Can. CXII.-An Aezfor the Relief q/' Charles W. Brooke, of New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- Pension to rior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the name of

 W' Charles W. Brooks, of the State of New York, on the invalid pension

roll ac the mm of eight dollars per month, and to pay him at that rate from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and continue during his natural life. APPx0vm>, June 9, 1860. Jam 9s 1860· CHAP. CXIII.—An Act for ;he Relief of Peter Rogersem ujd Sort, of ST. Jo}m’s, [Wwaun an , owners of the British Brig " essic} Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat·ives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State bc,