THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. • Sess. I. Ch. 121, 122. 1860. 855 of this act, all those persons who are, or shall hereafter become, members German Benevof the ·¢ German Benevolent Society," of the city of Washington, Dis- ¤l¤¤*¤ S¤<=i¤i=y in- {rich of Columbia, be, and they are hereby, made a body corporate and °°“°°"°°°d‘ politic, by the name and style of the “German Benevolent Society," and shall so continue until the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty; and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and by Powers and that name may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and dutle °"h° °°" be answered, defend and be defended, in courts of law and equity and in pommm all other places whatsoever; and by that name may make, have, and use a. common seal, and the same may break, alter, and renew at pleasure, and shall have power to ordain, establish, and put in execution such by- laws, ordinances, and regulations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the government of said corporation, not being contrary to the laws and Constitution of the United States; and, generally, to do and execute all acts necessary or proper for the objects of said corporation, subject to the limitations of this act. Src. 2. And be it further enacted, That the monthly contributions and Funds of the all other moneys received on account of the society, may, from time to §°‘Ei°”Y·tl;3·"°° time, be in vested in the public stocks of the United States, in loans to in- ° mu dividuals, or in stocks of any incorporated banking institution or corporation, and the moneys so invested or that may be deposited shall be drawn out ct the bank or place of deposit only on the order of the treasurer, countersigned by the secretary and approved by the president: Provided, nevertheless, That the said society or body political shall not, at any one Limit to proptime, hold or possess property, real, personal, or mixed, exceeding in total °‘°Y‘ value the sum of twenty thousand dollars: And provided, That the annual interest on the capital of the company, or the whole or any part of How interest the capital, may, from time to time, be applied to aid and succor the poor m°·Y b° ¤PPli°d· and destitute of the society, or to such other charitable objects as the company may select. Sec. 3. And be itfurtizer enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the C<>fp¤f¤ti<>¤ said corporation to deal or trade in the manner of a bank, nor issue any QQ;,? Qlis; note in the nature of a bank note, nor transact any other kind of business, notes: &c.,`u¤<1eior deal in any other manner or thing than is expressly authorized by the P°¤*l*.Y· second section of this act; and any officer or officers who shall have assented to any such dealing or trade shall, on conviction thereof in the proper court, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, one half' to the use of the poor of the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and the other half to the use of the person who may prosecute the same: Provided always, That Congress may, at any time, amend, alter, or annul C¤¤e¤¤¤¤ mw this act. mend, &c., this Approved, June 13, 1860. CHAP. CXXII.—An Act to Incorporate the Praprielvrs of Prospect Ell Cemetery. June 13, 1860. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqrresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Augustus E. L. Keese, _ John G. Stork, Fred Heider, John Walter, John Guttensohu, B. Oster- c§u"g:g:;§xgg:_ meyer, Christopher Friess, and George Shultz, the present members of p,,.,,u,d_ the German Evangelical Society, and their successors in suid society, be, and they are hereby, created a body politic and corporate, by the name d 1{¤w¢;_*S¤¤<1 and title of the Prospect Hill Cemetery, in the District of Columbia, and u‘;:f"° °°'¥’°"` by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able and liable to sue and be sued in any court of law and equity, may have aud use a common seal, and shall have power to purchase and hold not exceeding one hundred acres of land in the District of Columbia, north of the limits of the city of Washington, [and] to sell and dispose of such parts of said land as may not be wanted for the purpose of a cemetery: Pravuled, That at least seventeen contiguous acres shall be forever appropriated and set
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