THIRTY——SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 123, 124, 125. 1860. 857 the said company shall be held liable in his or her individual capacity, for , s*°°kh°ld°!‘¤ all the debts and liabilities of the said company, however contracted 01•LI}d¥id3°gg, m" incurred, to be recovered by suit, as other debts or liabilities, before the 0 or e l court or tribunal having jurisdiction of the case. APPROVED, June 13, 1860. Gun. CXXIII.—-An Aetjbr the Relkf of Matyett Vhn Baukirk. June 13, 1860. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Maryett, Van P’·7m°¤* W Buskirk, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, gm: vm the sum of twenty thousand three hundred and sixty-seven dollars, in full l payment for the claim for forage, grain, cattle, and other supplies furnished to the American army by the late Thomas Van Buskirk, deceased, of Bergen county, State of New Jersey, during the revolutionary war. APPROVED, June 13, 1860. cmp. cxx1V.-An Act jbr me may q George P. Mami. ¤¤¤¤ 13, 1860- Be it enacted by the Senate and House tf Representatives tj the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay George P. Marsh, late min- P¤Ym¢¤* to ister to the Ottoman Porte, out of any money in the treasury not other- g;°r§;e€{dM:F:k wise appropriated, the sum of nine thousand dollars, in full for all claims vices. he may have on account of special services rendered by him in Greece in the years eighteen hundred and fifty-two and eighteen hundred and fifty-three, under instructions from the State Department. A1>1>s0v1·:1>, June 13, 1860. Cru?. CXXV.-An Act for the Relief of Francis Lavonture and Pierre Grignan. J‘m° 1B» 1860· Bc it enacted {qq the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the titles to certain tracts of land at Green Buy, Wisconsin, confirmed to Francis Lavonture and Lwgi Wim of Pierre Grignon by the commissioners appointed under the act of Congress, g1r::°§ng‘°';°f:;,.° approved February twenty-one, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, enti- Grignon contled "An act to revive and continue in force certain acts for the adjust- £";’§g§ ck 10 ment of land claims in the Territory of Michigan,” and which are described Vol. iii. p. 72d. as follows: To Francis Lavonture, " commencing at low-water mark on Fox River, and running west eighty arpeus, or so far as to make said claim contain six hundred and forty acres, (as confirmed by said commissioners,) and bounded on the south by a certain tract occupied by the United States garrison, west and north by wild or uncultivated lands, and east by Fox River, being sixteen arpens in breadth;" and to Pierre Grignon for a piece or parcel of ground lying and being on the west side of Fox River, Green Bay, immediately below the first creek that empties into said river, about fifteen acres in front on the said river, and extending back indefinitely, be, and the same are hereby, ratified and confirmed; and that the Commissioner of the General Land-Office cause the said tracts of land to be surveyed in the same manner as other private claims to lands in Green Bay have been surveyed; and that he be required to issue patents thereon to and in the names of the aforesaid Francis Lavonture and Pierre Grignon, respectively, subject to such legal transfers or assignments as may have been made by them, or either of them, or their heirs or legal representatives, at any time subsequent to the confirmation to them, respectively, by the said commissioner, according to the Efth section of the said act of eighteen hundred and twenty-three. Approved, June 13, 1860. v01.. x11. Pmv.—-110
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