THIR'I'Y—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158, 162. 1860. 61 personal, acquired since the commencement of such desertion, from her -- husband and all creditors and persons claiming through or under him, and t such earnings, money, or property aforesaid shall belong to the wife as if - she were a feme sole: Provided, always, That every such order shall, Provtso.
» within ten days after the making and giving thereof; be entered by the
s clerk of the court on the records of the county of Washington, in the ’ District of Columbia; and that it shall be lawful for the husband and any — creditor claiming through or under him, to apply to the court in session for the discharge thereof; and he may obtain it i, in the judgment of the court, good cause shall be shown why such order, by reason of fraud or { of repugnance to the objects of this section, should not have been first , made and given: Provided, also, That if the husband, or any creditor of Provism · or person claiming through or under him, shall seize or continue to hold any property of the wife after notice and record of any such order, then the husband or such person shall be liable at the suit of the wife (which she is hereby empowered to bring) to restore to her the specific property, and also for a sum equal to double the value of the property so seized or held after such notice aforesaid; and if any such order of protection be made, the wife shall, during the continuance thereof, be and be deemed to have been, during such desertion of her, in the like position in all respects with regard to property and contracts and suing and being sued as she would be if a jeme sole. ~ Approved, June 19, 1860. Can. CLXII. -An Act making Apprqvdqglgnmzjlpr Light-Houses, Beacons, Buoys, and J¤¤° 20, TSW- W • Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative: of the United _ _ " States of America in Congress assembled, That the following appropria- Appmpmhm tions be, and the same are hereby, made, and directed to be paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Seoretary of the Treasury to carry the provisions of this act into effect: Pro- Proviso vided, however, That if a good title to any land, which it may be necessary _ to use, cannot be obtained on reasonable terms, or the exclusive right to ap§::;£§,g;>Sth‘ such land cannot be acquired by cession, when the interest of the United {suing into the States demands it, before the appropriation would by law fall into the sur- $“'PI¤$ fwdplus fund, in any and all such cases the appropriations shall be applicable to the objects for which they are made, at any time within two years ader the first meeting of the legislature of any State wherein such land may be situated, subsequent to the passage of this act, to wit: ,Massachusetts.—For a light-house at Duxbury, in Plymouth harbor, M¤·¤¤¤¤h¤¤¤¤*·¤· five thousand dollars. For the purchase of a suitable lot of land, and the erection thereon of a building for the use of the Light-house Board, at Wood’s Hole, Great Harbor, in the town of Falmouth, Eve thousand dollars. For a light-ship or ligl1t~house, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the recommendation of the Light-house Board, on, or near, the “Hen and Chickens," at the entrance of Buzzard’s Bay, thirty-five thousand dollars. For a survey to determine the proper site for a light-house at, or near, the “Sow and Pigs," at the entrance of Buzzard’s Bay, one thousand dollars. Rhode Island.-For the establishment of beacons on Connimmicut Rhode Is1¤¤d» Point and Bullock’s Point, in Providence River, three thousand dollars. For a survey of and for buoying out Seekonk River, between Seekonk and Providence, five hundred dollars. C'¢rrmect·icut.-—For the re-establishment and alteration of the beacon Connecticut. light on Long Wharf, at New Haven, two thousand dollars. For a fog bell to be rung by machinery at the Stratford light-house, twelve hundred dollars.