Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/928

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882 THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 25, 26, 27. 1861. Jndgment and hereby is, released and discharged from all claim and demand of the $5 S,’·“]P‘°“ United States to the balance of money now remaining due upon a certain 6d_ Judgment recovered against the said Sampson Stanfill in favor of the United States before the circuit court of the United States of Tennessee, holden at Knoxville, which said judgment was recovered on a recognizgantéeaenégred into by the said Sampson Staniill as u surety for one Lewis . n . Approved, January 31, 1861. February 5, 1861. Gun. XXV.-—An Act to authorize the Extension and [Ae cfu Branch of the Alexandria, “"—'""" Loudoun, and Hampshire Railroad within the City of Geovyetown. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o R resentatives o the U 't d Akxundrirk States of America in Congress assembled, `Thazhe Alexandria, Loudduh, IIf’a';?gg&;:°m1_ and Hampshire Railroad Company be, and they are hereby, authorized road may extend and empowered to extend a branch of their railroad into and within the

;l¤¤¤· city of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, and that said company

gshall have and exercise the same rights and powers and be subject to the same regulations and restrictions, in regard to the construction and use of spch mrtension, as are or I-may hp] grantedt and fpressribed by éhe Iphgrter 0 said ·companym rega emain sem o said roa ,or yt e laws of Virginia in relation to railroads within that State. mcity authorities _ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the corporate authorities of the mm:fX§g‘l:;.°th:h° city of Georgetown shall' have power ltooregulate the mannerland speed ¤m_ of running the cars of said company within the hmits of said city. Onwnmtreets, Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall have §£fLl>¤’·¤<>h W l>¤ power to construct. and operate their said extension upon such streets and public ways in said city as may be deemed most expedient by the said company, and with the consent of the corporate authorities of said city. hnlzrovision for mS£Ec;: be itjurther enacted, That the Circuit Court of the Disc 0 um ia, and the several officers thereof shall have and exercise all the powers and duties in relation to the eondeinnation and acquisition of or other property by the said company for the purposes of such elxtension of their. branch as are or may be possessed and exercised by t e courts of Yirgmia and their officers in regard to the same; and the same proceedings shall be had therein as are or may be prescribed or aumrized by tl? laws of Virginia in such cases. rnovrn, ebruary 5, 1861. p-,],1.,,,,,., 5, m1_ Cust. XXVI.——An Act g;cr5a$e$fSl"a¤;:$sip;zTt7py.Wi0iam G. Bernard, late a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R' _ _ eprescntatwes of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled That the Secreta f th I t - lifénigfnggglzi wplbe, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to placdhlie naiinendl i.,...;. r gsm G- Bernard, of the State of New York, on me roll of mana pensions, at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month commencinv on the eleventh day of June, Anno Domini eighteen hundrlad and fift a` lieu of the pension he now receives., ylumei m Approved, February 5, 1861. February 5, 1861- Cnr. XXVII.—-An Aajw me Benefit of Gabriel J. Johnston. Stgjsitfergzcted by theOSenate and House of Representatives of the United 0 menca in ongress assembled, That the entr ad b G ` L d _ _ y m e y abriel Gabjfelgfixéi Johnlslton, of Jefferson county, Mhssouri, on the second day of Novemmn w¤g,m€d_ cr, Sig teen hundred and twenty-nine, of the northeast quarter of section num er eleven, in township number forty-one north, of ranve number four east, 1 th d ‘ ° n e istnct of lands subject to sale at Saint Louis, Missouri, be,