892 THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 104, 105, 106. 1861. of the southwest quarter of section one, township nine, of range three: George Elmore. To George Elmore, the northwest and northeast quarters of the northwest quarter, and southeast quarter of the southwest quarter ot section thirty- Alexander Mor- five, township eight, of range three: To Alexander Moms, the southwest
- 1* and southeast quarters of the northeast quarter of section thirty-tive,
Doctor Logan. township eight, of range three: To Doctor Logan, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, township eight, of range J°h¤ G·SP¤k¤- two: To John G. Sparks, the northwest and northeast quarters of the southeast quarter of section thirty-one, township eight, of range two: To Stephen Holliday, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-one, township eight, of range two: To I“”°M°’8"·“· Isaac Morgan, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section A·C¤’<>W- thirty-five, township eight, of range three: To A. Crow, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, of section one, township nine, of range Wmim W°°¥· three: T0_William Woolsey, the northeast quarter of the northwest quar- °°?' ter, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty- 1"M‘L°g““' one, township eight, of range two: To T. M. Logan, the northeast and southwest quarters of the northeast quarter of section thirty-one, township mwm H°1d°°' eight, of range two: To Edward Holden, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northwest and northeast quarters of the southwest quarter of section thirty-one, township eight, of range two: To John ·T<>l¤¤ L¤ev·¤· Logan, the southwest and southeast quarters of the southwest quarter of Cyrus Thomas- section thirty-one, township eight, of range two: To Cyrus Thomas, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, township mwm H°m°¤· eight, of range two: To Edward Holden, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northeast and northwest quarters of the south- _ west quarter of section thirty-one, township eight, of range two: To Hall Han N**I¤°¤· Neilson, the southwest quarter, and east half of the northwest quarter of _ the southwest quarter of section one, township nine, of range three: To
W°" Eichard Worthen, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of sec-
- ,,,,,, S,,,.,.,,;,_ tion thirty-five, township eight, of range three
- and to John Sorrels, the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-tive, township eight, of range three, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed to the several purchasers herein mentioned, (from the county of Jackson, and State of Illinois,) and be as valid as if originally purchased from the United States of America. Armovnn, March 2, 1861. March 2, 1861. ······—··i Cm?. CV.-An Act pr the Raid ty Thomas G. Corbin. Be it enacted by the Senate and Abuse of Representatives of the Uniteo. ,H}:s’;°’g **6m__ States of America in Congress assembled That the proper accounting odi- ,,,,,_ ’ cers of the Treasury pay to Lieutenant Thomas G. Corbin, United States navy, the sum of two hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifteen cents, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 2, 1861. March 2, 1861. Cnar. CVI.—An Act for the Relief of Daniel B. Hibbard. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General of bjsémgpt frgb- the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out bm, fm, cénying otany moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Daniel B. the mail. Idlbbard the sum of eight hundred and thirty dollars, in full compensation tor his services in transporting the United States mail between the villages ot; St. Johns and Lyons, in the State of Michigan, under his agreement with the deputy postmaster at said St. Johns. Approved, March 2, 1861.