Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/940

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894 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rns. 3, 4, 6, 7. 1861. RESOLUTIONS. Ju¤uary23, 1861. [N0. 3.] A Resolution jbrtlne Relief of Lieutenant Jalan Gl Carter. — Resolved by tlw Senate and House of Representatives of the- United States of America in Congress assembled, 'I`hat the proper accounting oth- Lieubeuautilolm cers of the Treasury, in the settlement of the accounts of Lieutenant ohn C; C:s'“;x“:;“'° C. Carter, of the United States navy, be, and they are herebyxauthorized P y Pand directed to allow him the sum provided in the Joint resolution of Conv°1`x'p‘869' gress approved February thirteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, for such expenses as were incurred by him whilst acting as purser on board the ship Massachusetts while undergoing repairs at San Francisco, Califomia, deducting therefrom the sum which has been paid or allowed him on account of the same since the date of the passage of the aforesaid joint p,,,;,,, resolution: Provided, The same shall not exceed the sum of nine hundred and Efty-Eve dollars and thirty-six cents. Approved, January 23, 1861. Fabmmy 9, m1_ [No. 4.] hint t7tek7}meyl`or£_al;ing_ T&Y‘?;T2IQH_%07; me Application of ———-i us . e mw,or e xensumo rs cen. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the further time of ninety in Tgéuefgnpgxn days be given to parties interested in resisting the extension of the patent .,,,-gM,,c,,,m;,,k·, of Cyrus H. McCormick, for his patent reaper, or his improvements or parent to have modifications of the same, to enable them to take testimony in opposition

'1‘(f’u;f’ to said extension, to be used before the Commissioner of Patents, on the

hearing of the application of said McCormick for an extension of said patent. Armzovnu, February 9, 1861.

 [NO• 6-]    fo1' dl!   of   Und B7'0dh¢°·I'•

`_""”""‘ Be it resolved by the Senate and House of R resentatives of the United P,,,,.,,,,, to be States of America in Congress assembled, Tehat the Secretary of the made to Duvall Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Duvall

‘;1£;°2}.‘*",§j it and Brothers, merchant tailors in the city of Washington, assignees of

pwidge, R. A. Davidge, the amount of money appropriated for the beneiit of said v1;,,;;,, Ck_ 4g_ llgaigdgg, byi zip act of Congress approved eighteenth February, eighteen o xi. p. 561. un re an y-nine. Approved, February 13, 1861. Fg ,1 _ 0. 7. Joint Resolution directin the Aecount'n O c the o s 0

 [N 1 Accounts of the line Robert Stbcbmrfmtddnmgfryizirirortztk M

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Mmmm of States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting odi- Rabm Stockton cers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, directed to to be settled. settle the accounts of the late Robert Stockton, of New Jersey, an assistant quartermaster and forage master in the war of the Revolution, and pay to his legal heirs and representatives such sum or sums as may be