Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/944

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898 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 15, 16, 26, 43. 1861. July 24, 1861- Cnn. XV. - An Actfxr the Reliefef certain Musicians and Soldiers slammed at Fm "‘;"‘“ Sumter, in South Carolma. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . C°’“'i¤ "‘?°i· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the

:,°§1u:$g;.? Treasury be, and he hereby, is directed to pay, out of any money in the

be paid fm-losses Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of eleven hundred and fifty gftyp'""“°° P"°P` dollars, to remunerate soldiers and members of the band statwned at Fm-; l Sumter, in South Carolina, for losses of private property incurred in the removal from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter on the evening of December twenty-six, eighteen hundred and sixty ; said sum to be distributed as follows, namely: T0 the band, four hundred dollars; to company E, first artillery, five hundred dollars ; to company H, first artillery, two hundred and fifty dollars; and to be divided among the members of said band and said companies sufering losses, or the heirs of such persons as aforesaid, according to the award of the commanding officers of the several commands. APPROVED, July 24, 1861. July 24., 1861. Curr. XVI.—An Act fw the R¤liqfq‘ the Ohio and other Volunteers. Kumble- Whereas the War Department has decided that the term of service of v1`{9'?·°h;1gi;92· the ninety days’ volunteers, called out under the act of seventeen hun- °'l`P' dred and ninety-five, commenced only on the day when they were actually sworn into the service of the United States; and whereas the troops now in service of the United States from the State of Ohio were not sworn into said service until some days after their organization and acceptance as companies by the Governor of said State, and that for such period, under existing laws no payment can be made: Therefore, Be it enacted lg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United voiunmm fg States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper disbursing 0{H- g¤tI;¤i<;_ gf? UW cer compute and pay to the said volunteers compensation from the day g:nizg,j°n°;“{’°` of their organization and acceptance as companies by the Governor of the mcepmnce as State of Ohio, as aforesaid, until the expiration of their term of service. g‘;Tg;';f;?{h?° Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That where the militia of other Sm, States are situated similarly with those of Ohio, the War Department pay them according to the provisions of the foregoing section. APPROVED, July 24, 1861. July 29, 1861. CHAP. XXVI. - An Act to authorize the Issue of a Register to the Steamer “Ea~elZa." Bc it enacted ky lhe Senate and House of Representatives of the United Begisterw is- »S?ates of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the §“Es*;’°§‘;§*°’“'°' Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue a register to the steamer “Estelle," in accordance with existing lnws, excepting only that grovision of law requiring the said vessel to have been built in the United `tates. Armaovmu, July 29, 1861. August 3, 1551, Cun. XLIII. -— An Aczfor the 1?d£q"q‘JoIm C. McConnell. Be it enactedlky the Senate and Liausc of Representatives of the United J zaccguri? of States of America en Congress asgcmbled, That the Secretary of War be, ngunmie endihe hereby IS, directed to audit and settle, upon terms of equity and Justice, the accounts of John C. McConnell against the United States, for expenses necessarily incurred by him in raising a regiment of volunteers in the State of Maryland, in May, June, and July, eighteen hundred Pmviso. and sixty-one, and now in the United States' service: Provided, That the