Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/951

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 89, 100, 106, 107. 1862.905 renewal and extension hereby authorized for continuing the use of the same, nor to subject them to any claim or damage for having so used the same. Approved, May 30, 1862. CHAP. LXXXIX.—An Act hr egeggtgf M. Eesleelt, a Paymaster in the May 30, 1g6g_ Whereas Horace M. Hieskell was attached as paymaster to [the] United Hvrace M- States receiving ship “Pennsylvania," at Norfolk, Virginia, at the g:;.;?;? F" Q; time, to wit, on the twentieth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, accountslgvitli when said ship was burned by order of the Government or the Com- °°"l°l“ $°°‘1S mander of the station; and B‘;,';‘,fl‘}s;'{;;‘:,a,, Whereas, said Horace M. Hieskell, as paymaster aforesaid, is charged byi the Department with sundry items for provisions, clothing, and small stores, which goods were destroyed when said ship was burned; Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uriited States of America in Congress assembled, That Horace M. Hieskell be credited on the books of the Department with the amount of such goods charged against him. Approved, May 30, 1862. CHAP. C.—An Act for the recmrocal Extinguishment of certain Claims between the JMB 11. 186% [bzited States and the Representatives of Robert Brent, dewased. M"; Be it enacted by tbe Senate and Hama of Representatives of the United AUS¤l*S¤$¤l¤¤* States of America in Congress assembled, That the Solicitor of the Treas- §p§;i;°§,;°§,;°;t ury be, and he is hereby, directed to discontinue and to cause to be en- and Robert Y, tered satisfied all suits and proceedings upon the claim of the United g:Q;"£§° dm States against the representatives of Robert Brent, late paymaster general ° of the United States army, and against the representatives of Robert Y. Brent, his executor; such discontinuance and acknowledgment of satis- Etfoot of disfaction to be in full of all claims on the part of said Robert Brent, or his °°”*i“““”°°- representatives in his right, against the United States. Approved, June 11, 1862. CHAP. CVI.—An Act jbr the Relief of Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. ·l¤¤¢ 17, 1862- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives or the United Allowance of States of America in Congress assembled, That in the settlement of the g0‘Q°2l°;‘° had accounts with the treasury of Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant, as commissary ;,,:B},]?ng°,; ° and regimental quartermaster, fourth infantry, there shall be allowed to counts <>fUlysscs the said Grant the sum of one thousand dollars, on account of the loss S‘(""““°‘ of that amount of public funds in his hands by theft on the night of the sixteenth bf June, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, the loss being without neglect or fault on the part of said Grant. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, if the accounts of the said IF ¤¢<=<>¤¤¤¤ are Grant have been fully settled at the proper accounting office of the treas- %°fg&lr0&§é S5? ury, and the said amount of one thousand dollars accounted for, then and Gram. in that case there shall be paid to said Grant the sum of one thousand dollars out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 17, 1862. CHAP. CVII.—-An Act for the Relief ry" Oliver Spencer Wood. June 17. 1862- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives or the United OI-¥¢¤<>§¤¤¤ of States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting WK3 mP‘§;°;Qt_ officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed tied equitably to examine and settle, on principles of equity, the accounts of Oliver ;:;1d:l;?';*:)*;°§v°r Spencer Wood, late temporary naval storekcepcr for the United States $1,620_9y_ von. xxx. PRN.-116