Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/955

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 191, 192,193. 1862. 909 CHAP. CXCI. — An Act for the Reliqf of Robert M. Evans. July 16, 1862. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of lhe United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Roéggglggsffigus and he is hereby, authorized to adjust and settle, upon fair and equitable to be adjusted. terms, the accounts of Robert M. Evans, for recruiting in and bringing from the State of Indiana to this city, during the months of August and September, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, cavalry troops in pursuance of an order issued on or about the fifteenth day of July; of the same year, by the then Secretary of "War: Provided, That the amount so paid shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. Sec. 2. This act to be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED, July 16, 1862. 1»r.u>. CXCII. —-An Act to con rm and establish atent hereto ore anted to °. C Bernal, dated July twenlyfmur, `gqhleen hundred anljlgxly, and to-/gecuzz to Gwrglgggi erville Norris, the Assignee 1y' said Patent, the Benqjit 1y' the full term for which said Patent was granted. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives <y" the United Hmm to States of America in Congress assembled, That the patent granted to Etienne Bmw; Etienne Bemot on the twenty-fourth day of July, in the year eighteen ¢<>¤¥`i¤‘¤1¤d· hundred and sixty, for " an improved machine for cutting files," and which patent, on the-1 face thereof, was granted for the term of fourteen years from the data of said patent, shall be, and the same is hereby, made 2. valid grant: for the full term of fourteen years from the date of said patent, notwithstanding the fact that a patent had been previously granted in France for the same invention, and nohvithstanding that said patent, when issued, ought to have been granted only for the term of fourteen years, to be computed from the date of the said patent, previously issued in France. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the title of George Somerville Tim, 0; as, Norris, as assignee of said patent, under the assignment made to him by Sigrwe <>f' Said ¢ said Etienne Bemot, dated October eight, eighteen hundred and sixty, and puumt °°“H'm°d recorded in the Patent Office, shall be good and valid to vest in said assignee, his executors, administrators, and assigns, the executive right, under the said patent, for the fhll period of the term of fourteen years fiom the date of said patent, in like manner and to the same extent as if the said patent, when originally issued, had been validly granted for fourteen years fi·0m the date thereoi APPROVED, July 16, 1862. CHAP. CXCIII.-—An Act to secure one Mon!h’s Pay and Pension to Margaret Bailey, July 16, 1862. Widow of George B. Bailey, Lieutenant Colonel m the Mnth Regiment of Virgima “""“""—`°" Volunteers. Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid to Margzv M tB il rch Bailey, widow of George B. Bailey, late acting lieutenant colonel in to have ,,,,8 the ninth regiment of Virginia volunteers, one montlfs pay of a lieutenant m<>¤¢h’¤ pay, colonel, for services rendered by her husband as lieutenant colonel and surgeon, prior to November tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty·0ne, when he was killed in battle at Guyandott, Virginia. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Pensions and p¢¤¤1<>¤· be, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of said Margaret Bailey on the pension roll, at the rate of thirty dollars per month, from the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and to contmuc during her widowhood. Approved, July 16, 1862.