Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/959

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PRIVATE ACTS OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS 02* Tum UNITED STATES, Passed at the third session which was begun and held at the Oily of Washingtmz, in the District of Uolumbia, an Monday, the first day of.Decembe1·,A. D. 1862, and ended on Wednesday, ihe fourth day of March, A. D. 1863. ` Asrunnr Lmcomz, President. llANNIBAL HABILIN, Vice·President, and President of the Senate. SOLOMON FOOTE was elected President of the Senate, pro tempore, on the eighteenth day of February, and so acted until tha end_of° the session. GALUSHA A. GROW, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Culp. II. ——An Act jbr the Reliqf q/' the Owners of the Bench Brig “Jules et Marie." Dec, 15, 1862, Be it enacted by the Senate rand House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid, out of any p,,m,g,,,, wb, money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the order of the P¤i<{ <>W¤¢¤‘¤ <>f proper functionary of the government of his Majesty the Emperor of the ;2;,,i;l?l°° °t French, the sum of nine thousand five hundred dollars, in coin, as full compensation to the owners of the French brig “J ules et Maric," or their legal representatives, for damages received by the said brig in za collision with the United States war steamer “San J acint0," on the third day of- November last; which collision was occasioned, in the opinion of a joint naval commission to whom the claim was referred, by the failure of the " San Jacinto ” seasonably to reverse her engine. Approved, December 15, 1862. Cmun VIII.-An Act lv iudernngfy certain Citizens of the United States, residing in January 7, 1863, the State of Delaware, jbr Expenses incurred by them in D4;/Pence of the United States. ····—"‘"* Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stalcs of America in Umvgress assembled, That the Secretary of the Certain citi- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, out of any money fg'; 3f:;?;'; in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the Farmers’ Bank {0, expcusag in " of the State of Delaware, at Dover, or the duly authorized agent thereof, d¤f9¤¢¤ of Nw any amount not exceeding the sum of thirteen hundred and seventy-eight Umwd Sm°°' dollars, borrowed of said bank by Alden B.Richax·dson and others, citizens of the State of Delawaye, and by them expended for the enrolling, subsisting, clothing, and equipping of company D of the first regiment of Delaware volunteers employed in aiding to suppress the present insurrection against the United States; and also to the Bank of Smyrna, at Smyrna, Delaware, or the duly authorized agent thereof, an amount. not exceeding the sum of thirteen hundred and seventy-eight dollars, borrowed of said lasbmentioncd bank by George W. Cummins and others, citizens of said State of Delaware, and by them expended for the enrolling, subsisting, clothing, and equipping company H of said first regiment of Delaware volunteers employed in said service as aforesaid: Pr0vidcd,·That Only expenses said Secretary shall pay only so much of the expenditures aforesmd as, l’;'°g'£iE“d°‘ upon examination, he shall be satisfied were properly made. Ammovmu, January 7, 1863. v0L. xu. Paw.-- 117