Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/969

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. RES. 12, 14-17, 22. 1863. 923 [N0. 12.] Joint Resolution to confirm the adverse Decision of the Court of Claims in the Feb. 3, 1863. Case of Moses Hale ‘—··—····· Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the adverse decision of Decision the Court of Claims in the case of Moses Yale be, and the same is hereby, ;B“l¤“ M°¤°¤ confirmed, ale, conhrmed. Approved, February 1863. [N0. 14.] A Resolution to conjirm t/ie ad D ’the C rt Cla'the case or 12. A. comm, avnliigoobibbilm M mw m Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the adverse decision of Decision the Court of Claims in the case of R. A. Clements, administrator of ¤_'¤i¤¤* R- A- James N . Mullican be, and the same is hereby, confirmed. E’,l;:§mS’ °°”` APPROVED, February 10, 1863. ' [N0. 15.] A Resolution io cmg;:; gle e}` the Court of Claims in the Fei, 10, 1mg_ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives <y" the United States ¢y" America in Congress assembled, That the adverse decision of Dooisioii the Court of Claims in the case of David D. Mitchell be, and the same is ;f;¤i¤¤¤ David D- nchell, conhereby, confirmed. mmm_ Am-aovmn, February 10, 1863. No. 16. A Resolution to frm the advers Decision 0 the Court o Claims in _ _ [ ] Case of cflllemnas Hicks, Ezbecutorof Isajdc Hicks. f Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the adverse decision of Qeeisicu the Court of Claims in the case of Thomas Hicks, executor of Isaac fi22s20E2z2e3i Hicks be, and the same is hereby, conhrmed. ’ Approved, February 10, 1863. . 17. A R laf to the ad D 'ion of the Court ofCIaims in the _ _ [N0 ] Cami; Al;ran¢leTl€}lmAzzdnso1ifrAl1mibLi?slraMr of John Anderson. Resolved by the Senate and libuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the adverse deeisxon of Decision the Court of Claims in the case of Alexander D. Anderson, admmistrator $gaimtAAipxanof John Anderson be, and the same is hereby, confirmed. cgghrlhelf °”°"* Approved, February 10, 1863. N.22. A Resolf th " th Secret ryrytthe Treasu to yto PenyE. Fb,25 1353, [ Hroecdus his a;uJu(dlqb"b$` tb; Suprenlle (bart of the Unilecl {bites for the 1`er- —E···L*"*" ritory of New Mexico. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the poymoii; io Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to Perry E. Brocchus the f:;;:’0t!9·$£;<>¤;5 sum of six hundred and sixty-four dollars, ($664,) the same being for s,,i,,,.y_ salary due the said Brocchus as United States Judge forlhe Territory of New Mexico from the twenty-fourth day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the thirty-first day of April of the same year, outlet; an appropriation already made, in part for that purpose, and still eiustmg, for the payment of judicial salaries for the Territory of New Mexico. Approved, February 25, 1863. ’