Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1590

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[120 STAT. 1559]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1559]

PUBLIC LAW 109–304—OCT. 6, 2006

120 STAT. 1559

‘‘(d) EXPRESS-LINER AND SUPER-LINER VESSELS.—The Secretary shall study and cooperate with vessel owners in devising means by which there may be constructed, by or with the aid of the United States Government, express-liner or super-liner vessels comparable to those of other nations, especially with a view to their use in a national emergency, and the use of transoceanic aircraft service in connection with or in lieu of those vessels. ‘‘§ 50106. Studies on the operation of vessels ‘‘(a) RELATIVE COSTS.—The Secretary of Transportation shall investigate, determine, and keep current records of the relative cost of marine insurance, maintenance, repairs, wages and subsistence of officers and crews, and all other items of expense, in the operation of comparable vessels under the laws and regulations of the United States and those of the foreign countries whose vessels are substantial competitors of American vessels. ‘‘(b) SHIPYARDS.—The Secretary shall investigate, determine, and keep current records of the number, location, and efficiency of shipyards in the United States. ‘‘(c) NAVIGATION LAWS.—The Secretary shall examine the navigation laws and regulations of the United States and make such recommendations to Congress as the Secretary considers proper for the amendment, improvement, and revision of those laws and for the development of the merchant marine of the United States.



‘‘§ 50107. Studies on marine insurance ‘‘The Secretary of Transportation shall— ‘‘(1) examine into the subject of marine insurance, the number of companies in the United States, domestic and foreign, engaging in marine insurance, the extent of the insurance on hulls and cargoes placed or written in the United States, and the extent of reinsurance of American maritime risks in foreign companies; and ‘‘(2) ascertain what steps may be necessary to develop an ample marine insurance system as an aid in the development of the merchant marine of the United States. ‘‘§ 50108. Studies on cargo carriage and cargo containers ‘‘(a) STUDIES.—The Secretary of Transportation shall study— ‘‘(1) the methods of encouraging the development and implementation of new concepts for the carriage of cargo in the domestic and foreign commerce of the United States; and ‘‘(2) the economic and technological aspects of the use of cargo containers as a method of carrying out the policy in section 50101 of this title. ‘‘(b) RESTRICTION.—In carrying out subsection (a) and the policy in section 50101 of this title, the United States Government may not give preference as between carriers based on the length, height, or width of cargo containers or the length, height, or width of cargo container cells. This restriction applies to all existing container vessels and any container vessel to be constructed or rebuilt. ‘‘§ 50109. Miscellaneous studies ‘‘(a) FOREIGN SUBSIDIES.—The Secretary of Transportation shall investigate, determine, and keep current records of the extent and

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