Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1672

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[120 STAT. 1641]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1641]

PUBLIC LAW 109–304—OCT. 6, 2006

120 STAT. 1641

‘‘§ 55120. Transshipment of imported merchandise intended for immediate exportation ‘‘The Secretary of Homeland Security may prescribe regulations for the transshipment and transportation of merchandise that is imported into the United States by sea for immediate exportation to a foreign port by sea, or by a river, the right to ascend or descend which for the purposes of commerce is secured by treaty to the citizens of the United States and the subjects of a foreign power. ‘‘§ 55121. Transportation of merchandise and passengers on Canadian vessels ‘‘(a) BETWEEN ROCHESTER AND ALEXANDRIA BAY.—Until passenger service is established by vessels of the United States between the port of Rochester, New York, and the port of Alexandria Bay, New York, the Secretary of Homeland Security may issue annually permits to Canadian passenger vessels to transport passengers between those ports. Canadian vessels holding such a permit are not subject to section 55103 of this title. ‘‘(b) WITHIN ALASKA OR BETWEEN ALASKA AND OTHER POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES.—Until the Secretary of Transportation determines that service by vessels of the United States is available to provide the transportation described in paragraph (1) or (2), sections 55102 and 55103 of this title do not apply to the transportation on Canadian vessels of— ‘‘(1) passengers between ports in southeastern Alaska; or ‘‘(2) passengers or merchandise between Hyder, Alaska, and other points in southeastern Alaska or in the United States outside Alaska.

New York.

‘‘CHAPTER 553—PASSENGER AND CARGO PREFERENCES ‘‘SUBCHAPTER I—GENERAL ‘‘Sec. ‘‘55301. ‘‘55302. ‘‘55303. ‘‘55304. ‘‘55305.

Priority loading for coal. Transportation of United States Government personnel. Motor vehicles owned by United States Government personnel. Exports financed by the United States Government. Cargoes procured, furnished, or financed by the United States Government.

‘‘SUBCHAPTER II—EXPORT TRANSPORTATION OF AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES ‘‘55311. ‘‘55312. ‘‘55313. ‘‘55314. ‘‘55315. ‘‘55316. ‘‘55317. ‘‘55318.

Findings and purposes. Determining prevailing world market price. Exemption of certain agricultural exports from cargo preference provisions. Transportation requirements for certain exports sponsored by the Secretary of Agriculture. Minimum tonnage. Financing the transportation of agricultural commodities. Termination of subchapter. Effect on other law. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—AMERICAN GREAT LAKES VESSELS

‘‘55331. ‘‘55332. ‘‘55333. ‘‘55334. ‘‘55335. ‘‘55336.

VerDate 14-DEC-2004

Definitions. Designating American Great Lakes vessels. Exemption from restriction on transporting certain cargo. Restrictions on operations. Revocations and terminations of designations. Civil penalty.

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