Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1707

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[120 STAT. 1676]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1676]

120 STAT. 1676

PUBLIC LAW 109–304—OCT. 6, 2006 ‘‘(2) permit clearance to be obtained before all requirements for clearance are complied with, but only if the owner or operator of the vessel files a bond in an amount set by the Secretary conditioned on the compliance by the owner or operator with all specified requirements for clearance within a time period (not exceeding 4 business days) established by the Secretary; and ‘‘(3) permit clearance to be obtained at a place other than a designated port of entry, under conditions the Secretary may prescribe.

‘‘§ 60106. State inspection laws ‘‘When State law requires a certificate of inspection for goods carried on a vessel, a vessel transporting the goods may not be cleared until the certificate is produced. ‘‘§ 60107. Payment of fees on departing vessel ‘‘A departing vessel may be cleared only when all legal fees that have accrued on the vessel are paid and proof of payment is presented to the individual granting the clearance. ‘‘§ 60108. Duty to transport tendered cargo ‘‘Clearance may be refused to a vessel or vehicle transporting cargo destined for a domestic or foreign port when the owner, master, or other individual in charge refuses to accept cargo tendered in good condition, with proper charges, for the same or an intermediate port by a citizen of the United States. This section does not apply if the vessel or vehicle is already fully loaded (giving appropriate consideration to its proper loading) or is not adaptable to transport the tendered cargo. ‘‘§ 60109. Duty to transport money and securities of the United States Government ‘‘Before being given clearance, a vessel owned by a citizen of the United States and bound on a voyage from a port in the United States to another port in the United States or in a foreign country, or on a voyage from a port in a foreign country to a port in the United States, shall receive on board any bullion, coin, notes, bonds, or other securities of the United States Government that an agency, consular officer, or other agent of the Government offers. The vessel shall transport the items securely and deliver them promptly to the proper authorities or consignees on arriving at the port of destination. Compensation shall be paid for services provided under this section that is equal to compensation paid to other carriers in the ordinary transaction of business. ‘‘CHAPTER 603—TONNAGE TAXES AND LIGHT MONEY ‘‘Sec. ‘‘60301. ‘‘60302. ‘‘60303. ‘‘60304. ‘‘60305. ‘‘60306. ‘‘60307. ‘‘60308. ‘‘60309. ‘‘60310.

VerDate 14-DEC-2004

13:05 Jul 12, 2007

Jkt 059194

Regular tonnage taxes. Special tonnage taxes. Light money. Presidential suspension of tonnage taxes and light money. Vessels in distress. Vessels not engaged in trade. Vessels engaged in coastwise trade or the fisheries. Vessels engaged in Great Lakes trade. Passenger vessels making trips between ports of the United States and foreign ports. Vessels making daily trips on interior waters.

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