Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1724

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[120 STAT. 1693]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1693]

PUBLIC LAW 109–304—OCT. 6, 2006

120 STAT. 1693

a service of providing assistance to vessels and crews requiring assistance, and a service of removing and destroying derelicts. Any of these services may be maintained during the remainder of the year as may be advisable. ‘‘(b) WARNINGS TO VESSELS.—An ice patrol vessel shall warn any vessel known to be approaching a dangerous area and recommend safe routes. ‘‘(c) RECORDING AND REPORTING INCIDENTS.— ‘‘(1) RECORDING.—An ice patrol vessel shall record the name of a vessel and the facts of the case when the patrol observes or knows that the vessel— ‘‘(A) is on other than a regular recognized or advertised route crossing the North Atlantic Ocean; ‘‘(B) has crossed the fishing banks of Newfoundland north of latitude 43 degrees north during the fishing season; or ‘‘(C) has passed through regions known or believed to be endangered by ice when proceeding to and from ports of North America. ‘‘(2) REPORTING.—The name of the vessel and all pertinent information about the incident shall be reported to the government of the country to which the vessel belongs if that government requests. ‘‘(d) ADMINISTRATION.—The Commandant of the Coast Guard, under the direction of the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, shall carry out the services provided for in this section and shall assign necessary vessels, material, and personnel of the Coast Guard. On request of such Secretary, the head of an agency may detail personnel, lend or contribute material or equipment, or otherwise assist in carrying out the services provided for in this section. ‘‘(e) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Commandant shall publish an annual report of the activities of the services provided for in this section. A copy of the report shall be provided to each interested foreign government and to each agency assisting in the work. ‘‘§ 80303. Speed of vessel in ice region ‘‘(a) REQUIREMENT.—The master of a vessel of the United States, when ice is reported on or near the vessel’s course, shall proceed at a moderate speed or change the course of the vessel to go well clear of the danger zone. ‘‘(b) CIVIL PENALTY.—A master violating this section is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not more than $500. ‘‘CHAPTER 805—SAFE CONTAINERS FOR INTERNATIONAL CARGO ‘‘Sec. ‘‘80501. ‘‘80502. ‘‘80503. ‘‘80504. ‘‘80505. ‘‘80506. ‘‘80507. ‘‘80508. ‘‘80509.

VerDate 14-DEC-2004

Definitions. Application of Convention. General authority of the Secretary. Approval and examination. Enforcement. Delegation of authority. Employee protection. Amendments to Convention. Civil penalty.

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