Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2090

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[120 STAT. 2059]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2059]

PUBLIC LAW 109–360—OCT. 16, 2006

120 STAT. 2059

of the System and public participation in the conservation of those resources. (3) To encourage donations and other contributions by individuals and organizations to the System. SEC. 3. GIFTS TO SYSTEM AND PARTICULAR NATIONAL FISH HATCHERIES.

16 USC 760aa–1.

(a) AUTHORIZATION OF GIFTS, DEVISES, AND BEQUESTS FOR SYSTEM.—In furtherance of the purposes of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior may accept any gifts, devises, or bequests of real and personal property, or proceeds therefrom, or interests therein, for the benefit of the National Fish Hatchery System. Such acceptance may be subject to the terms of any restrictive or affirmative covenant, or condition of servitude, if such terms are deemed by the Secretary to be in accordance with law and compatible with the purpose for which acceptance is sought. (b) USE OF GIFTS, DEVISES, AND BEQUESTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Any gifts and bequests of money and proceeds from the sales of other property received as gifts or bequests pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in a separate account in the Treasury and may be expended without further appropriation by the Secretary for the benefit of the System programs administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. (2) GIFTS, DEVISES, AND BEQUESTS FOR PARTICULAR FACILITIES.— (A) DISBURSAL.—Any gift, devise, or bequest made for the benefit of a facility of the System shall be disbursed only for the benefit of that facility and without further appropriations. (B) MATCHING.—Subject to the availability of appropriations and the requirements of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and other applicable law, the Secretary may provide funds to match gifts, devises, and bequests made for the benefit of a facility of the System. With respect to each gift, devise, or bequest, the amount of Federal funds may not exceed the amount (or, in the case of property or in-kind services, the fair market value) of the gift, devise, or bequest. SEC. 4. VOLUNTEER ENHANCEMENT PILOT PROJECTS.

16 USC 760aa–2.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary of the Interior shall carry out a pilot project at 1 or more facilities of the System. Each pilot project shall provide for a volunteer coordinator for the hatchery facility. The volunteer coordinator shall be responsible for recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers. The volunteer coordinator may be responsible for assisting partner organizations in developing projects and programs under cooperative agreements under section 7(d) of the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742f(d)) and coordinating volunteer activities with partner organizations to carry out the projects and programs. (b) REPORT.—Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit a report to the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate evaluating and making recommendations regarding the pilot projects.

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