Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2143

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[120 STAT. 2112]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2112]

120 STAT. 2112

PUBLIC LAW 109–364—OCT. 17, 2006 (4) MATTER TO BE INCLUDED.—A report under paragraph (2) shall include the following: (A) The plan of the Secretary of the Air Force for the modernization of the B–52, B–1, and B–2 bomber aircraft fleets. (B) The amount and type of bomber force structure for the conventional mission and strategic nuclear mission in executing two overlapping ‘‘swift defeat’’ campaigns. (C) A justification of the cost and projected savings of any reductions to the B–52H bomber aircraft fleet as a result of the retirement of the B–52H bomber aircraft covered by the report. (D) The life expectancy of each bomber aircraft to remain in the bomber force structure. (E) The capabilities of the bomber force structure that would be replaced, augmented, or superseded by any new bomber aircraft. (5) PREPARATION OF REPORT.—A report under paragraph (2) shall be prepared by the Institute for Defense Analyses and submitted to the Secretary of the Air Force for submittal by the Secretary in accordance with that paragraph.


Effective date.

Section 8062 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ‘‘(g)(1) Effective October 1, 2008, the Secretary of the Air Force shall maintain a total aircraft inventory of strategic airlift aircraft of not less than 299 aircraft. ‘‘(2) In this subsection: ‘‘(A) The term ‘strategic airlift aircraft’ means an aircraft— ‘‘(i) that has a cargo capacity of at least 150,000 pounds; and ‘‘(ii) that is capable of transporting outsized cargo an unrefueled range of at least 2,400 nautical miles. ‘‘(B) The term ‘outsized cargo’ means any single item of equipment that exceeds 1,090 inches in length, 117 inches in width, or 105 inches in height.’’. SEC. 133. LIMITATION ON RETIREMENT OF U–2 AIRCRAFT.

(a) FISCAL YEAR 2007.—The Secretary of the Air Force may not retire any U–2 aircraft of the Air Force in fiscal year 2007. (b) YEARS AFTER FISCAL YEAR 2007.— (1) CERTIFICATION REQUIRED.—After fiscal year 2007, the Secretary of the Air Force may retire a U–2 aircraft only if the Secretary of Defense certifies to Congress that the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities provided by the U–2 aircraft no longer contribute to mitigating any gaps in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities identified in the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review. (2) LIMITATIONS.—No action may be taken by the Department of Defense to retire (or to prepare to retire) any U– 2 aircraft before a certification specified in paragraph (1) is submitted to Congress. If such a certification is submitted, no such action may be taken until after the end of the 60day period beginning on the date on which the certification is submitted.

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