Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2259

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[120 STAT. 2228]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2228]

120 STAT. 2228

PUBLIC LAW 109–364—OCT. 17, 2006

programs on or near military installations to provide assistance to military parents with young children through a program of activities focusing on the unique needs of children described in subsection (a). (c) LIMITS ON COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION OF PROGRAM.— The Secretary of Defense may not commence the pilot program before October 1, 2007, and shall conclude the pilot program not later than the end of the three-year period beginning on the date on which the Secretary commences the program. (d) SCOPE OF PROGRAM.—Under the pilot program, the Secretary of Defense shall utilize one or more models, demonstrated through research, of universal access of parents of children described in subsection (a) to assistance under the pilot program to achieve the following goals: (1) The identification and mitigation of specific risk factors for such children related to military life. (2) The maximization of the educational readiness of such children. (e) LOCATIONS AND GOALS.— (1) SELECTION OF PARTICIPATING INSTALLATIONS.—In selecting military installations to participate in the pilot program, the Secretary of Defense shall limit selection to those military installations whose military personnel are experiencing significant transition or deployment or which are undergoing transition as a result of the relocation or activation of military units or activities relating to defense base closure and realignment. (2) SELECTION OF CERTAIN INSTALLATIONS.—At least one of the installations selected under paragraph (1) shall be a military installation that will permit, under the pilot program, the meaningful evaluation of a model under subsection (d) that provides outreach to parents in families with a parent who is a member of the National Guard or Reserve, which families live more than 40 miles from the installation. (3) GOALS OF PARTICIPATING INSTALLATIONS.—If a military installation is selected under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall require appropriate personnel at the military installation to develop goals, and specific outcome measures with respect to such goals, for the conduct of the pilot program at the installation. (4) EVALUATION REQUIRED.—Upon completion of the pilot program at a military installation, the personnel referred to in paragraph (3) at the installation shall be required to conduct an evaluation and assessment of the success of the pilot program at the installation in meeting the goals developed for that installation. (f) GUIDELINES.—As part of conducting the pilot program, the Secretary of Defense shall issue guidelines regarding— (1) the goals to be developed under subsection (e)(3); (2) specific outcome measures; and (3) the selection of curriculum and the conduct of developmental screening under the pilot program. (g) REPORT.—Upon completion of the pilot program, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report on all of the evaluations prepared under subsection (e)(4) for the military installations participating in the

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