Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2599

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[120 STAT. 2568]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2568]

120 STAT. 2568

PUBLIC LAW 109–365—OCT. 17, 2006 nonpersonnel-related and both direct and indirect, associated with the following: ‘‘(A) The costs of performing general administrative functions and of providing for the coordination of functions, such as the costs of— ‘‘(i) accounting, budgeting, and financial and cash management; ‘‘(ii) procurement and purchasing; ‘‘(iii) property management; ‘‘(iv) personnel management; ‘‘(v) payroll functions; ‘‘(vi) coordinating the resolution of findings arising from audits, reviews, investigations, and incident reports; ‘‘(vii) audits; ‘‘(viii) general legal services; ‘‘(ix) developing systems and procedures, including information systems, required for administrative functions; ‘‘(x) preparing administrative reports; and ‘‘(xi) other activities necessary for the general administration of government funds and associated programs. ‘‘(B) The costs of performing oversight and monitoring responsibilities related to administrative functions. ‘‘(C) The costs of goods and services required for administrative functions of the project involved, including goods and services such as rental or purchase of equipment, utilities, office supplies, postage, and rental and maintenance of office space. ‘‘(D) The travel costs incurred for official business in carrying out administrative activities or overall management. ‘‘(E) The costs of information systems related to administrative functions (such as personnel, procurement, purchasing, property management, accounting, and payroll systems), including the purchase, systems development, and operating costs of such systems. ‘‘(F) The costs of technical assistance, professional organization membership dues, and evaluating results obtained by the project involved against stated objectives. ‘‘(5) NON-FEDERAL SHARE OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.—To the extent practicable, an entity that carries out a project under this title shall provide for the payment of the expenses described in paragraph (4) from non-Federal sources. ‘‘(6) USE OF FUNDS FOR WAGES AND BENEFITS AND PROGRAMMATIC ACTIVITY COSTS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Amounts made available for a project under this title that are not used to pay for the administrative costs shall be used to pay for the costs of programmatic activities, including the costs of— ‘‘(i) participant wages, such benefits as are required by law (such as workers’ compensation or unemployment compensation), the costs of physical examinations, compensation for scheduled work hours during which an employer’s business is closed for a Federal holiday, and necessary sick leave that is not

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