Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/3379

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[120 STAT. 3348]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 3348]

120 STAT. 3348

PUBLIC LAW 109–451—DEC. 22, 2006

(d) FACTORS.—The criteria developed under subsection (c) shall take into account such factors as whether— (1) a rural water supply project— (A) serves— (i) rural areas and small communities; or (ii) Indian tribes; or (B) promotes and applies a regional or watershed perspective to water resources management; (2) there is an urgent and compelling need for a rural water supply project that would— (A) improve the health or aesthetic quality of water; (B) result in continuous, measurable, and significant water quality benefits; or (C) address current or future water supply needs; (3) a rural water supply project helps meet applicable requirements established by law; and (4) a rural water supply project is cost effective. (e) INCLUSIONS.—The Secretary may include— (1) to the extent that connection provides a reliable water supply, a connection to pre-existing infrastructure (including impoundments and conveyance channels) as part of a rural water supply project; and (2) notwithstanding the limitation on population under section 102(9)(A), a town or community with a population in excess of 50,000 inhabitants in an area served by a rural water supply project if, at the discretion of the Secretary, the town or community is considered to be a critical partner in the rural supply project. 43 USC 2403.


(a) IN GENERAL.—In consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Director of the Indian Health Service, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary shall develop an assessment of— (1) the status of all rural water supply projects under the jurisdiction of the Secretary authorized but not completed prior to the date of enactment of this Act, including appropriation amounts, the phase of development, total anticipated costs, and obstacles to completion; (2) the current plan (including projected financial and workforce requirements) for the completion of the projects identified in paragraph (1) within the time frames established under the provisions of law authorizing the projects or the final engineering reports for the projects; (3) the demand for new rural water supply projects; (4) rural water programs within other agencies and a description of the extent to which those programs provide support for rural water supply projects and water treatment programs in Reclamation States, including an assessment of the requirements, funding levels, and conditions of eligibility for the programs assessed; (5) the extent of the demand that the Secretary can meet with the Program; (6) how the Program will complement authorities already within the jurisdiction of the Secretary and the heads of the agencies with whom the Secretary consults; and

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