Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/3547

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[120 STAT. 3516]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 3516]

120 STAT. 3516

PUBLIC LAW 109–469—DEC. 29, 2006

of the progress of each National Drug Control Program agency in meeting its responsibilities under the National Drug Control Strategy. ‘‘(B) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—Any contents of the National Drug Control Strategy that involve information properly classified under criteria established by an Executive order shall be presented to Congress separately from the rest of the National Drug Control Strategy. ‘‘(C) SELECTION OF DATA AND INFORMATION.—In selecting data and information for inclusion under subparagraph (A), the Director shall ensure— ‘‘(i) the inclusion of data and information that will permit analysis of current trends against previously compiled data and information where the Director believes such analysis enhances long-term assessment of the National Drug Control Strategy; and ‘‘(ii) the inclusion of data and information to permit a standardized and uniform assessment of the effectiveness of drug treatment programs in the United States. ‘‘(3) PROCESS FOR DEVELOPMENT AND SUBMISSION.—In developing and effectively implementing the National Drug Control Strategy, the Director— ‘‘(A) shall consult with— ‘‘(i) the heads of the National Drug Control Program agencies; ‘‘(ii) Congress; ‘‘(iii) State, local, and tribal officials; ‘‘(iv) private citizens and organizations, including community and faith-based organizations with experience and expertise in demand reduction; ‘‘(v) private citizens and organizations with experience and expertise in supply reduction; and ‘‘(vi) appropriate representatives of foreign governments; ‘‘(B) in satisfying the requirements of subparagraph (A), shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that State, local, and tribal officials and relevant private organizations commit to support and take steps to achieve the goals and objectives of the National Drug Control Strategy; ‘‘(C) with the concurrence of the Attorney General, may require the El Paso Intelligence Center to undertake specific tasks or projects to support or implement the National Drug Control Strategy; and ‘‘(D) with the concurrence of the Director of National Intelligence and the Attorney General, may request that the National Drug Intelligence Center undertake specific tasks or projects to support or implement the National Drug Control Strategy. ‘‘(b) SUBMISSION OF REVISED STRATEGY.—The President may submit to Congress a revised National Drug Control Strategy that meets the requirements of this section— ‘‘(1) at any time, upon a determination of the President, in consultation with the Director, that the National Drug Control Strategy in effect is not sufficiently effective; or ‘‘(2) if a new President or Director takes office.’’.

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