Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/3673

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[120 STAT. 3642]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 3642]

120 STAT. 3642

PUBLIC LAW 109–479—JAN. 12, 2007

such other person has committed any chapter prohibited by this section; (8) to knowingly and willfully submit to the Secretary false information (including false information regarding the capacity and extent to which a United States fish processor, on an annual basis, will process a portion of the optimum yield of a fishery that will be harvested by fishery vessels of the United States), regarding any matter that the Secretary is considering in the course of carrying out this title; (9) to forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, sexually harass, bribe, or interfere with any observer on a vessel under this title, or any data collector employed by the National Marine Fisheries Service or under contract to any person to carry out responsibilities under this title; (10) to engage in fishing in violation of any regulation adopted pursuant to section 506(a) of this title; (11) to ship, transport, purchase, sell, offer for sale, import, export, or have in custody, possession, or control any fish taken or retained in violation of such regulations; (12) to fail to make, keep, or furnish any catch returns, statistical records, or other reports as are required by regulations adopted pursuant to this title to be made, kept, or furnished; (13) to fail to stop a vessel upon being hailed and instructed to stop by a duly authorized official of the United States; (14) to import, in violation of any regulation adopted pursuant to section 506(a) of this title, any fish in any form of those species subject to regulation pursuant to a recommendation, resolution, or decision of the Commission, or any tuna in any form not under regulation but under investigation by the Commission, during the period such fish have been denied entry in accordance with the provisions of section 506(a) of this title. (b) ENTRY CERTIFICATION.—In the case of any fish described in subsection (a) offered for entry into the United States, the Secretary of Commerce shall require proof satisfactory to the Secretary that such fish is not ineligible for such entry under the terms of section 506(a) of this title. 16 USC 6907.


(a) FEDERAL AND STATE AGENCIES; PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS.—The Secretary may cooperate with agencies of the United States government, any public or private institutions or organizations within the United States or abroad, and, through the Secretary of State, the duly authorized officials of the government of any party to the WCPFC Convention, in carrying out responsibilities under this title. (b) SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER PROGRAMS; FACILITIES AND PERSONNEL.—All Federal agencies are authorized, upon the request of the Secretary, to cooperate in the conduct of scientific and other programs and to furnish facilities and personnel for the purpose of assisting the Commission in carrying out its duties under the WCPFC Convention. (c) SANCTIONED FISHING OPERATIONS AND BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS.—Nothing in this title, or in the laws or regulations of any State, prevents the Secretary or the Commission from—

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