Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/1335

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[121 STAT. 1314]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 1314]

121 STAT. 1314



Deadline. Reports.


PUBLIC LAW 110–116—NOV. 13, 2007

on Appropriations for reprogramming of funds, unless for higher priority items, based on unforeseen military requirements, than those for which originally appropriated and in no case where the item for which reprogramming is requested has been denied by the Congress: Provided further, That a request for multiple reprogrammings of funds using authority provided in this section must be made prior to June 30, 2008: Provided further, That transfers among military personnel appropriations shall not be taken into account for purposes of the limitation on the amount of funds that may be transferred under this section: Provided further, That no obligation of funds may be made pursuant to section 1206 of Public Law 109–163 (or any successor provision) unless the Secretary of Defense has notified the congressional defense committees prior to any such obligation. SEC. 8006. (a) Not later than 60 days after enactment of this Act, the Department of Defense shall submit a report to the congressional defense committees to establish the baseline for application of reprogramming and transfer authorities for fiscal year 2008: Provided, That the report shall include— (1) a table for each appropriation with a separate column to display the President’s budget request, adjustments made by Congress, adjustments due to enacted rescissions, if appropriate, and the fiscal year enacted level; (2) a delineation in the table for each appropriation both by budget activity and program, project, and activity as detailed in the Budget Appendix; and (3) an identification of items of special congressional interest. (b) Notwithstanding section 8005 of this Act, none of the funds provided in this Act shall be available for reprogramming or transfer until the report identified in subsection (a) is submitted to the congressional defense committees, unless the Secretary of Defense certifies in writing to the congressional defense committees that such reprogramming or transfer is necessary as an emergency requirement. SEC. 8007. The Secretaries of the Air Force and the Army are authorized, using funds available under the headings ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air Force’’ and ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army’’, to complete facility conversions and phased repair projects in support of Red Flag Alaska exercises, which may include upgrades and additions to Alaskan range infrastructure and training areas, and improved access to these ranges. (TRANSFER


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SEC. 8008. During the current fiscal year, cash balances in working capital funds of the Department of Defense established pursuant to section 2208 of title 10, United States Code, may be maintained in only such amounts as are necessary at any time for cash disbursements to be made from such funds: Provided, That transfers may be made between such funds: Provided further, That transfers may be made between working capital funds and the ‘‘Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense’’ appropriation and the ‘‘Operation and Maintenance’’ appropriation accounts in such amounts as may be determined by the Secretary of Defense, with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget, except that such transfers may not be made unless the Secretary of Defense has notified the Congress of the proposed transfer. Except in

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