Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/1417

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[121 STAT. 1396]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 1396]

121 STAT. 1396

PUBLIC LAW 110–134—DEC. 12, 2007

dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW

for which the agency is determined to be underenrolled under paragraph (3)(A). ‘‘(B) WAIVER OR LIMITATION OF REDUCTIONS.—The Secretary may, as appropriate, waive or reduce the percentage recapturing, withholding, or reduction otherwise required by subparagraph (A), if, after the implementation of the plan described in paragraph (3)(B), the Secretary finds that— ‘‘(i) the causes of the enrollment shortfall, or a portion of the shortfall, are related to the agency’s serving significant numbers of highly mobile children, or are other significant causes as determined by the Secretary; ‘‘(ii) the shortfall can reasonably be expected to be temporary; or ‘‘(iii) the number of slots allotted to the agency is small enough that underenrollment does not create a significant shortfall. ‘‘(6) REDISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Funds held by the Secretary as a result of recapturing, withholding, or reducing a base grant in a fiscal year shall be redistributed by the end of the following fiscal year as follows: ‘‘(i) INDIAN HEAD START PROGRAMS.—If such funds are derived from an Indian Head Start program, then such funds shall be redistributed to increase enrollment by the end of the following fiscal year in 1 or more Indian Head Start programs. ‘‘(ii) MIGRANT AND SEASONAL HEAD START PROGRAMS.—If such funds are derived from a migrant or seasonal Head Start program, then such funds shall be redistributed to increase enrollment by the end of the following fiscal year in 1 or more programs of the type from which such funds are derived. ‘‘(iii) EARLY HEAD START PROGRAMS.—If such funds are derived from an Early Head Start program in a State, then such funds shall be redistributed to increase enrollment by the end of the following fiscal year in 1 or more Early Head Start programs in that State. If such funds are derived from an Indian Early Head Start program, then such funds shall be redistributed to increase enrollment by the end of the following fiscal year in 1 or more Indian Early Head Start programs. ‘‘(iv) OTHER HEAD START PROGRAMS.—If such funds are derived from a Head Start program in a State (excluding programs described in clauses (i) through (iii)), then such funds shall be redistributed to increase enrollment by the end of the following fiscal year in 1 or more Head Start programs (excluding programs described in clauses (i) through (iii)) that are carried out in such State. ‘‘(B) ADJUSTMENT TO FUNDED ENROLLMENT.—The Secretary shall adjust as necessary the requirements relating to funded enrollment indicated in the grant agreement of a Head Start agency receiving redistributed funds under this paragraph.’’.

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