Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/1486

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[121 STAT. 1465]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 1465]

PUBLIC LAW 110–138—DEC. 14, 2007

121 STAT. 1465

dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW

(C) in the case of a material that is self-produced, the sum of— (i) all expenses incurred in the production of the material, including general expenses; and (ii) an amount for profit equivalent to the profit added in the normal course of trade. (2) FURTHER ADJUSTMENTS TO THE VALUE OF MATERIALS.— (A) ORIGINATING MATERIAL.—The following expenses, if not included in the value of an originating material calculated under paragraph (1), may be added to the value of the originating material: (i) The costs of freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs incurred in transporting the material within or between the territory of Peru, the United States, or both, to the location of the producer. (ii) Duties, taxes, and customs brokerage fees on the material paid in the territory of Peru, the United States, or both, other than duties or taxes that are waived, refunded, refundable, or otherwise recoverable, including credit against duty or tax paid or payable. (iii) The cost of waste and spoilage resulting from the use of the material in the production of the good, less the value of renewable scrap or byproducts. MATERIAL.—The following (B) NONORIGINATING expenses, if included in the value of a nonoriginating material calculated under paragraph (1), may be deducted from the value of the nonoriginating material: (i) The costs of freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs incurred in transporting the material within or between the territory of Peru, the United States, or both, to the location of the producer. (ii) Duties, taxes, and customs brokerage fees on the material paid in the territory of Peru, the United States, or both, other than duties or taxes that are waived, refunded, refundable, or otherwise recoverable, including credit against duty or tax paid or payable. (iii) The cost of waste and spoilage resulting from the use of the material in the production of the good, less the value of renewable scrap or byproducts. (iv) The cost of originating materials used in the production of the nonoriginating material in the territory of Peru, the United States, or both. (e) ACCUMULATION.— (1) ORIGINATING MATERIALS USED IN PRODUCTION OF GOODS OF ANOTHER COUNTRY.—Originating materials from the territory of Peru or the United States that are used in the production of a good in the territory of the other country shall be considered to originate in the territory of such other country. (2) MULTIPLE PRODUCERS.—A good that is produced in the territory of Peru, the United States, or both, by 1 or more producers, is an originating good if the good satisfies the requirements of subsection (b) and all other applicable requirements of this section. (f) DE MINIMIS AMOUNTS OF NONORIGINATING MATERIALS.—

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