PUBLIC LAW 110–28—MAY 25, 2007
121 STAT. 173
SEC. 6308. It is the sense of Congress that the Small Business Administration will provide, through funds available within amounts already appropriated for Small Business Administration disaster assistance, physical and economic injury disaster loans to Kansas businesses and homeowners devastated by the severe tornadoes, storms, and flooding that occurred beginning on May 4, 2007. CHAPTER 4 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS CHAPTER
dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW
SEC. 6401. Not to exceed $30,000,000 from unobligated balances remaining from prior appropriations for United States Coast Guard, ‘‘Retired Pay’’, shall remain available until expended in the account and for the purposes for which the appropriations were provided, including the payment of obligations otherwise chargeable to lapsed or current appropriations for this purpose: Provided, That within 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the United States Coast Guard shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives the following: (1) a report on steps being taken to improve the accuracy of its estimates for the ‘‘Retired Pay’’ appropriation; and (2) quarterly reports on the use of unobligated balances made available by this Act to address the projected shortfall in the ‘‘Retired Pay’’ appropriation, as well as updated estimates for fiscal year 2008. SEC. 6402. (a) IN GENERAL.—Any contract, subcontract, task or delivery order described in subsection (b) shall contain the following: (1) A requirement for a technical review of all designs, design changes, and engineering change proposals, and a requirement to specifically address all engineering concerns identified in the review before the obligation of further funds may occur. (2) A requirement that the Coast Guard maintain technical warrant holder authority, or the equivalent, for major assets. (3) A requirement that no procurement subject to subsection (b) for lead asset production or the implementation of a major design change shall be entered into unless an independent third party with no financial interest in the development, construction, or modification of any component of the asset, selected by the Commandant, determines that such action is advisable. (4) A requirement for independent life-cycle cost estimates of lead assets and major design and engineering changes. (5) A requirement for the measurement of contractor and subcontractor performance based on the status of all work performed. For contracts under the Integrated Deepwater Systems program, such requirement shall include a provision that links award fees to successful acquisition outcomes (which shall be defined in terms of cost, schedule, and performance). (6) A requirement that the Commandant of the Coast Guard assign an appropriate officer or employee of the Coast Guard to act as chair of each integrated product team and
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