Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/1951

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[121 STAT. 1930]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 1930]

121 STAT. 1930

Effective date. 16 USC 1853a note.

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PUBLIC LAW 110–161—DEC. 26, 2007

(1) mission area (as reflected in the appropriation accounts set out for the Administration in H.R. 3093 of the 110th Congress, as passed by the House of Representatives); (2) program or project; (3) Center; and (4) object class, as well as any other financial information requested by the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives or the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate. SEC. 526. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to authorize or issue a national security letter in contravention of any of the following laws authorizing the Federal Bureau of Investigation to issue national security letters: The Right to Financial Privacy Act; The Electronic Communications Privacy Act; The Fair Credit Reporting Act; The National Security Act of 1947; USA PATRIOT Act; and the laws amended by these Acts. SEC. 527. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be made available for a public-private competition conducted under Office of Management and Budget Circular A–76 or to convert a function performed by Federal employees to private sector performance without such a competition unless a representative designated by a majority of the employees engaged in the performance of the activity or function for which the public-private competition is conducted or which is to be converted without such a competition is treated as an interested party with respect to such competition or decision to convert to private sector performance for purposes of subchapter V of chapter 35 of title 31, United States Code. SEC. 528. Section 605 of the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act of 1998 (16 U.S.C. 1451 note) is amended— (1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1) by striking ‘‘$25,500,000 for fiscal year 2008’’ and inserting ‘‘$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010’’; (2) in each of paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), and (6) by striking ‘‘2008’’ and inserting ‘‘2010’’; and (3) in paragraph (5) by striking ‘‘fiscal year 2008’’ and inserting ‘‘each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010’’. SEC. 529. Effective January 13, 2007, section 303A of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1853a) is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘association’’ in subsection (c)(4)(A)(iii) and inserting ‘‘association, among willing parties’’; (2) by striking paragraph (2) of subsection (i); (3) by striking ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—’’ in subsection (i) and resetting paragraph (1) as a full measure paragraph following ‘‘(i) TRANSITION RULES.—’’; and (4) by redesignating subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of subsection (i)(1) (before its amendment by paragraph (3)) as paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), respectively and resetting them as indented paragraphs 2 ems from the left margin. SEC. 530. If at any time during any quarter, the program manager of a project within the jurisdiction of the Departments of Commerce or Justice, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or the National Science Foundation totaling more than $75,000,000 has reasonable cause to believe that the total program cost has increased by 10 percent, the program manager

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