Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/2081

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[121 STAT. 2060]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 2060]

121 STAT. 2060

PUBLIC LAW 110–161—DEC. 26, 2007 (4) a certification by the Chief Procurement Officer of the Department that the program has been reviewed and approved in accordance with the investment management process of the Department, and that the process fulfills all capital planning and investment control requirements and reviews established by the Office of Management and Budget, including Circular A–11, part 7; (5) a certification by the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Homeland Security that an independent verification and validation agent is currently under contract for the project; (6) a certification by the Chief Information Officer of the Department that the system architecture of the program is sufficiently aligned with the information systems enterprise architecture of the Department to minimize future rework, including a description of all aspects of the architectures that were and were not assessed in making the alignment determination, the date of the alignment determination, and any known areas of misalignment along with the associated risks and corrective actions to address any such areas; (7) a certification by the Chief Procurement Officer of the Department that the plans for the program comply with the Federal acquisition rules, requirements, guidelines, and practices, and a description of the actions being taken to address areas of non-compliance, the risks associated with them along with any plans for addressing these risks, and the status of their implementation; (8) a certification by the Chief Information Officer of the Department that the program has a risk management process that regularly identifies, evaluates, mitigates, and monitors risks throughout the system life cycle, and communicates highrisk conditions to agency and Department of Homeland Security investment decision makers, as well as a listing of all the program’s high risks and the status of efforts to address them; (9) a certification by the Chief Human Capital Officer of the Department that the human capital needs of the program are being strategically and proactively managed, and that current human capital capabilities are sufficient to execute the plans discussed in the report; (10) a complete schedule for the full implementation of a biometric exit program or a certification that such program is not possible within five years; (11) a detailed accounting of operation and maintenance, contractor services, and program costs associated with the management of identity services; and (12) is reviewed by the Government Accountability Office. OFFICE



dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW

For the necessary expenses of the Office of Health Affairs, $116,500,000; of which $24,317,000 is for salaries and expenses; and of which $92,183,000, to remain available until September 30, 2009, is for biosurveillance, BioWatch, medical readiness planning, chemical response, and other activities: Provided, That not to exceed $3,000 shall be for official reception and representation expenses.

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