121 STAT. 2192
PUBLIC LAW 110–161—DEC. 26, 2007
to carry out the Supplemental Education Grants program for the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Provided further, That up to 5 percent of these amounts may be reserved by the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands to administer the Supplemental Education Grants programs and to obtain technical assistance, oversight and consultancy services in the administration of these grants and to reimburse the United States Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education for such services: Provided further, That $2,400,000 of the funds available for the Foreign Language Assistance Program shall be available for 5-year grants to local educational agencies that would work in partnership with one or more institutions of higher education to establish or expand articulated programs of study in languages critical to United States national security that will enable successful students to advance from elementary school through college to achieve a superior level of proficiency in those languages. INDIAN EDUCATION For expenses necessary to carry out, to the extent not otherwise provided, title VII, part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, $121,690,000. INNOVATION
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For carrying out activities authorized by part G of title I, subpart 5 of part A and parts C and D of title II, parts B, C, and D of title V, and section 1504 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (‘‘ESEA’’), $1,003,040,000: Provided, That $9,821,000 shall be provided to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards to carry out section 2151(c) of the ESEA: Provided further, That from funds for subpart 4, part C of title II, up to 3 percent shall be available to the Secretary for technical assistance and dissemination of information: Provided further, That $357,059,000 shall be available to carry out part D of title V of the ESEA: Provided further, That $100,573,000 of the funds for subpart 1, part D of title V of the ESEA shall be available for the projects and in the amounts specified in the explanatory statement described in section 4 (in the matter preceding division A of this consolidated Act): Provided further, That $99,000,000 of the funds for subpart 1 shall be for competitive grants to local educational agencies, including charter schools that are local educational agencies, or States, or partnerships of: (1) a local educational agency, a State, or both; and (2) at least one non-profit organization to develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools: Provided further, That such performance-based compensation systems must consider gains in student academic achievement as well as classroom evaluations conducted multiple times during each school year among other factors and provide educators with incentives to take on additional responsibilities and leadership roles: Provided further, That up to 5 percent of such funds for competitive grants shall be available for technical assistance, training, peer review of applications, program outreach and evaluation activities: Provided further, That of the funds available for part B of title V, the Secretary shall use up to $24,783,000 to carry out activities under section 5205(b) and under subpart 2, and shall use not less than
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