Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/2634

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[121 STAT. 2613]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 2613]


121 STAT. 2613

of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (as in effect prior to September 30, 2002). SEC. 213. EXERCISE OF RULEMAKING POWERS.

Congress adopts the provisions of this title— (1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, and as such they shall be considered as part of the rules of each House or of that House to which they specifically apply, and such rules shall supersede other rules only to the extent that they are inconsistent with such other rules; and (2) with full recognition of the constitutional right of either the Senate or House of Representatives to change those rules (insofar as they relate to that House) at any time, in the same manner, and to the same extent as is the case of any other rule of the Senate or House of Representatives.


dkrause on GSDDPC29 with PUBLAW

(a) SENATE.— (1) PRIORITY.—The Senate establishes the following priorities and makes the following findings: (A) The Senate shall make the enactment of legislation to reauthorize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) a top priority for the remainder of fiscal year 2007, during the first session of the 110th Congress. (B) Extending health care coverage to the Nation’s vulnerable uninsured children is an urgent priority for the Senate. (C) SCHIP has proven itself a successful program for covering previously uninsured children. (D) More than 6 million children are enrolled in this landmark program, which has enjoyed broad bipartisan support in Congress, among our Nation’s governors, and within state and local governments. (E) SCHIP reduces the percentage of children with unmet health care needs. (F) Since SCHIP was created, enormous progress has been made in reducing disparities in children’s coverage rates. (G) Uninsured children who gain coverage through SCHIP receive more preventive care and their parents report better access to providers and improved communications with their children’s doctors. (H) Congress has a responsibility to reauthorize SCHIP before the expiration of its current authorization. (2) RESERVE FUND.—In the Senate, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget may revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for a bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report that provides up to $50,000,000,000 in outlays over the period of the total of fiscal years 2007 through 2012 for reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), if such legislation maintains coverage for those currently

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