Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1020

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12 2 STA T .9 9 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 34—M A Y 22 , 200 8SEC.1507 . DAIRYP R OM O T IO N AND RESEARC H PRO G RAM. (a)EXTENSIO NO FDA I RYP RO M OTION AN DR ESEAR CHAU THORITY .—Section1 1 3 (e)( 2 )o f t h e Dai ry Pro du ction Sta b i l i z ation Actof1 98 3( 7U .S. C . 450 4(e)(2)) i s a m ended by stri k in g‘ ‘2007 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘2012’’. (b) DEFINITION OF UNITED STATES FOR PROMOTION PRO G RAM.— Section 111 of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4502) is amended— (1) by striking subsection (l) and inserting the follo w ing

‘‘(l) the term ‘United States’ , when used in a geogra p hical sense, means all of the States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

’’; and (2) in subsection (m), by striking ‘‘(as defined in subsection (l))’’. (c) DEFINITION OF UNITED STATES FOR RESEARCH PROGRAM.— Section 130 of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4531)) is amended by striking paragraph (12) and inserting the following: ‘‘(12) the term ‘United States’, when used in a geographical sense, means all of the States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.’’. (d) ASSESSMENT RATE FOR I M P ORTED DAIRY PRODUCTS.—Section 113(g) of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4504(g)) is amended by striking paragraph (3) and inserting the following: ‘‘(3) RATE.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERA L .— T he rate of assessment for milk produced in the United States prescribed by the order shall be 15 cents per hundredweight of milk for commercial useorthee q ui v alent thereof, as determined by the Sec - retary. ‘‘( B ) IMPORTED DAIRY PRODUCTS.—The rate of assess- ment for imported dairy products prescribed by the order shall be 7.5 cents per hundredweight of milk for commercial use or the equivalent thereof, as determined by the Sec- retary.’’. (e) TIME AND M ETHOD OF IMPORTER PAYMENTS.—Section 113(g)( 6 ) of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4504(g)(6)) is amended— (1) by striking subparagraph (B); and (2) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (B). (f) REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS ON CERTAIN IMPORTED DAIRY PRODUCTS.—Section 113(g) of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4504(g)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(7) REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS ON CERTAIN IMPORTED PROD- UCTS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—An importer shall be entitled to a refund of any assessment paid under this subsection on imported dairy products imported under a contract entered into prior to the date of enactment of the F ood, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. ‘‘(B) EXPIRATION.—Refunds under subparagraph (A) shall e x pire 1 year after the date of enactment of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008.’’.