Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1208

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12 2 STA T . 11 85PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 34—M A Y 22 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (C)co o perat e wi t h the R e g io n a lB oar ds and S tate and local go v ern m ents , organi z ations, and entities to ens u re investment strategies are developed that ta k e into consideration e x isting rural assets

and ‘‘( D ) encourage the organization o f Regional Boards; ‘‘( 4 ) certif y the eligi b ility of Regional Boards to receive regional investment strategy grants and regional innovation grants; ‘‘( 5 ) provide grants for Regional Boards to develop and implement regional investment strategies; ‘‘( 6 ) provide technical assistance to Regional Boards on issues, best practices, and emerging trends relating to rural development, in cooperation with the N ational Rural I nvest - ment Board; and ‘‘( 7 ) provide analytic and programmatic support for regional rural competitiveness through the National Institute, including — ‘‘( A ) programs to assist Regional Boards in determining the challenges and opportunities that must be addressed to receive the greatest regional competitive advantage; ‘‘(B) support for best practices development by the regional investment boards; ‘‘(C) programs to support the development of appro- priate governance and leadership skills in the region; and ‘‘(D) a review and evaluation of the performance of the Regional Boards (including progress in achieving bench- marks established in a regional investment strategy) in an annual report submitted to— ‘‘(i) the Committee on Agriculture of the H ouse of Representatives; and ‘‘(ii) the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and F orestry of the Senate . ‘‘(c) N ATION A L R UR AL IN VES T M ENT BOAR D .— T he Secretary shall establish within the Department of Agriculture a board to be known as the ‘National Rural Investment Board ’ . ‘‘(d) DUTIES O F NATIONAL BOARD.—The National Board shall— ‘‘( 1 ) not later than 1 80 days after the date of establishment of the National Board, develop rules relating to the operation of the National Board; and ‘‘( 2 ) provide advice to— ‘‘(A) the Secretary and subse q uently review the design, development, and execution of the National Rural Invest- ment P lan; ‘‘(B) Regional Boards on issues, best practices, and emerging trends relating to rural development; and ‘‘(C) the Secretary and the National Institute on the development and execution of the program under this sub- title. ‘‘(e) M EM B ERS H I P .— ‘‘(1) IN G ENERAL.—The National Board shall consist of 14 members appointed by the Secretary not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the Food, Conservation, and E nergy Act of 2008. ‘‘(2) SUPERVISION.—The National Board shall be sub j ect to the general supervision and direction of the Secretary. ‘‘( 3 )SE C TORS REPRESENTED.—The National Board shall con- sist of representatives from each of— Deadlin e . Deadline. R e gu la t i o n s . E sta b lis hm ent. Re p o r ts. G rants. C erti f i c ation.