Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/133

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12 2 STA T . 11 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (2)Ef f ectiv e aso ft h efi r st d a y ofthee n ro l l m ent p eriod fol - lo w in g the enrollment period in which an individ u al ma k es contri b u- tions under paragraph ( 1 ) , the monthly amount of educational assistance allowance applicable to such individual under this section shall be the monthly rate otherwise provided for under subsection (c) increased by — ‘‘( A ) an amount e q ual to $5 for each $2 0 contributed by such individual under paragraph (1) for an approved program of education pursued on a full-time basis

or ‘‘( B ) an appropriately reduced amount based on the amount so contributed as determined under regulations that the S ec- retary of V eterans Affairs shall prescribe, for an approved program of education pursued on less than a full-time basis .’ ’. SEC.529 .E XT E N S IO NO FP E R IO D OF ENTIT L E M ENT TO ED U C A TIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR CERTAIN MEM B ERSOFT H E SELECTED RESER V E AFFECTED B Y FORCE SHAPIN G INITIATIVES. Section 1 6 1 3 3(b)(1)(B) of title 10, U nited States C ode, is amended by inserting ‘‘or the period beginning on O ctober 1, 200 7 , and ending on September 30, 201 4 ,’’ after ‘‘ D ecember 31, 2001,’’. SEC. 5 30 . TIME LIMIT FOR USE OF EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE BENEFIT FOR CERTAIN MEMBERS OF RESERVE COMPONENTS AND RESUMPTION OF BENEFIT. (a) MODIF I CAT IO N OF T I MEL IMIT FO R U S E OF BENEFIT.— (1) MODIFICATION.—Section 16164(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘this chapter while serving—’’ and all that follows and inserting ‘‘this chapter— ‘‘(1) while the member is serving— ‘‘(A) in the Selected R eserve of the Ready Reserve, in the case of a member called or ordered to active service while serving in the Selected Reserve; or ‘‘(B) in the Ready Reserve, in the case of a member ordered to active duty while serving in the Ready Reserve (other than the Selected Reserve); and ‘‘(2) in the case of a person who separates from the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve after completion of a period of active service described in section 16163 of this title and completion of a service contract under other than dishonorable conditions, during the 10-year period beginning on the date on which the person separates from the Selected Reserve.’’. (2) CONFORMIN G AMENDMENT.— P aragraph (2) of section 16165(a) of such title is amended to read as follows

‘‘(2) when the member separates from the Ready Reserve as provided in section 16164(a)(1) of this title, or upon comple- tion of the period provided for in section 16164(a)(2) of this title, as applicable.’’. (b) REC L AIMING BENEFIT FOR MEM B ERS REENTERING SER V ICE.— Section 16165(b) of such title is amended by striking ‘‘of not more than 9 0 days’’ after ‘‘who incurs a break in service in the Selected Reserve’’. (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall take effect as of October 2 8 , 2004, as if included in the enactment of the Ronald W . Reagan N ational Defense Authori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 2005 (Public Law 108 – 375), to which such amendments relate. 10USC 1 6 16 4note.R e gula t i on s . Ef fe c ti v e d ate.