Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1333

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12 2 STA T . 1 3 1 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 23 4—M A Y 22 , 200 8andrespo ns ib i l i t ies , and fu ndin g allo c ations for full y i m ple - menting t h is section

and ‘ ‘ (B) information on the status of implementation of — ‘‘(i) item designations (including designation of intermediate ingredients and feedstoc k s); and ‘‘(ii) the v oluntary labeling program established under subsection (b) . ‘‘(h) FUNDI N G .— ‘‘( 1 ) MA NDA TORYF UNDING.— O f the funds of the C ommodity Credit Corporation, the S ecretary shall use to provide manda- tory funding for biobased products testing and labeling as re q uired to carry out this section— ‘‘( A ) $ 1, 0 00,000 for fiscal year 2 00 8


‘‘(B) $2,000,000 for each of fiscal years 200 9 through 2012. ‘‘(2) D I SC R E TIONARY FUNDING.— I n addition to any other funds made available to carry out this section, there is author- i z ed to be appropriated to carry out this section $2,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 through 2012. ‘ ‘ SEC.90 0 3 . BIOR E F I N ER YA SSIS T ANCE. ‘‘(a) P UR P OSE.— T he purpose of this section is to assist in the development of ne w and emerging technologies for the development of advanced biofuels, so as to— ‘‘(1) increase the energy independence of the U nited States; ‘‘(2) promote resource conservation, public health, and the environment; ‘‘( 3 ) diversify markets for agricultural and forestry products and agriculture waste material; and ‘‘( 4 ) create j obs and enhance the economic development of the rural economy. ‘‘(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section

‘‘(1) EL IGI B LE ENTITY.—The term ‘eligible entity ’ means an individual, entity, Indian tribe, or unit of State or local govern- ment, including a corporation, farm cooperative, farmer coopera- tive organization, association of agricultural producers, N ational L aboratory, institution of higher education, rural elec- tric cooperative, public power entity, or consortium of any of those entities. ‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE TEC H NOLOGY.—The term ‘eligible technology’ means, as determined by the Secretary— ‘‘(A) a technology that is being adopted in a viable commercial-scale operation of a biorefinery that produces an advanced biofuel; and ‘‘(B) a technology not described in subparagraph (A) that has been demonstrated to have technical and economic potential for commercial application in a biorefinery that produces an advanced biofuel. ‘‘(c) ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall make available to eligible entities— ‘‘(1) grants to assist in paying the costs of the development and construction of demonstration-scale biorefineries to dem- onstrate the commercial viability of 1 or more processes for converting renewable biomass to advanced biofuels; and ‘‘(2) guarantees for loans made to fund the development, construction, and retrofitting of commercial-scale biorefineries using eligible technology. 7USC8103.