Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1388

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12 2 STA T . 1 365PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 23 4—M A Y 22 , 200 8‘ ‘ (B)thenumb e rofs e l e c te d est a bl i shments selected b y the S ecretary to shi p carcasses , portions of carcasses, or meat items under this section . ‘‘(f) TECHNI C ALAS SIS T ANCE D I V ISI O N. — ‘‘( 1 ) E STA B LISH M ENT.— N ot later than 1 80 days after the effecti v e date described in subsection ( j ), the Secretary shall establish in the F ood Safety and I nspection Service of the Department of A g riculture a technical assistance division to coordinate the initiatives of any other appropriate agency of the Department of Agriculture to provide— ‘‘(A) outreach, education, and training to very small or certain small establishments (as defined by the Sec - retary)

and ‘‘(B) grants to appropriate State agencies to provide outreach, technical assistance, education, and training to very small or certain small establishments (as defined by the Secretary). ‘‘( 2 ) P E R SONNEL.—The technical assistance division shall be comprised of individuals that, as determined by the Sec- retary— ‘‘(A) are of a q uantity sufficient to carry out the duties of the technical assistance division; and ‘‘(B) possess appropriate qualifications and e x pertise relating to the duties of the technical assistance division. ‘‘(g) TRANSITION G RANTS.—The Secretary may provide grants to appropriate State agencies to assist the appropriate State agen- cies in helping establishments covered by title III to transition to selected establishments. ‘‘(h) V IOLATIONS.—Any selected establishment that the Sec- retary determines to be in violation of any requirement of this Act shall be transitioned to a Federal establishment in accordance w ith a procedure developed by the Secretary under subsection (b)( 3 )(A). ‘‘(i) E F FECT.—Nothing in this section limits the jurisdiction of the Secretary with respect to the regulation of meat and meat products under this Act. ‘‘(j) EFFECTIVE DATE.— ‘‘(1) IN G ENERAL.—This section ta k es effect on the date on which the Secretary, after providing a period of public com- ment (including through the conduct of public meetings or hearings), promulgates final regulations to carry out this sec- tion. ‘‘(2) R E QU IREMENT.—Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary shall promulgate final regulations in accordance with paragraph (1). ’ ’. (b) POULTR Y AN D POULTRY PRODUCTS.—The Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 U .S. C . 45 1 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following

‘ SEC.31 . INT E R ST A TES H I PM ENT OF PO UL TR Y INSPECTE DB Y FED - ERAL AND STATE A G ENCIES FOR CERTAIN SMALL ESTABLISHMENTS. ‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.— ‘‘(1) A P PROPRIATE STATE AGENCY.—The term ‘appropriate State agency’ means a State agency described in section 5(a)(1). ‘‘(2) DESIGNATED PERSONNEL.—The term ‘designated per- sonnel’ means inspection personnel of a State agency that have 21USC47 2 .Deadlin e. Deadline.