Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1398

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12 2 STA T . 1 375PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 23 4—M A Y 22 , 200 8insura n cetom ore accurate ly re f lect t h e actual p rice at har v est .‘ ‘ (I I )REQUIR E M E NTS . —T hee x pert revie w ers un d er su b clause (I) shall be comprised of a g ricul - tural economists with experience in grain sorghum and corn mar k ets , of whom— ‘‘(aa) 2 shall be agricultural economists of institutions of higher education

‘‘(bb) 2 shall be economists from within the D epartment; and ‘‘(cc) 1 shall be an economist nominated by the grain sorghum industry. ‘‘(iii) RE CO MMEN DA TIONS.— ‘‘(I) IN G ENERA L .— N ot later than 90 days after the date of contracting with the expert reviewers under clause (ii), the expert reviewers shall submit, and the C orporation shall make available to the public, the recommendations of the expert reviewers. ‘‘(II) CONSIDERATION.—The Corporation shall consider the recommendations under subclause (I) when determining the appropriate pricing method- ology to determine the expected market price for grain sorghum under both the production and rev- enue-based plans of insurance. ‘‘(III) P U B LICATION.—Not later than 6 0 days after the date on which the Corporation receives the recommendations of the expert reviewers, the Corporation shall publish the proposed pricing methodology for both the production and revenue- based plans of insurance for notice and comment and, during the comment period, conduct at least 1 public meeting to discuss the proposed pricing methodologies. ‘‘(iv) AP PROPRIATE PRICING MET H ODOLOG Y .— ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 8 0 days after the close of the comment period in clause (iii)(III), but effective not later than the 2010 crop year, the Corporation shall implement a pricing methodology for grain sorghum under the produc- tion and revenue-based plans of insurance that is transparent and replicable. ‘‘(II) INTERIM METHODOLOGY.— U ntil the date on which the new pricing methodology is imple- mented, the Corporation may continue to use the pricing methodology that the Corporation deter- mines best establishes the expected market price. ‘‘(III) A V AILABILITY.— O n an annual basis, the Corporation shall make available the pricing meth- odology and data used to determine the expected market prices for grain sorghum under the produc- tion and revenue-based plans of insurance, including any changes to the methodology used to determine the expected market prices for grain sorghum from the previous year. ’ ’.