Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/146

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12 2 STA T . 12 3PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 withsuf fi c i en t inf orma tion , ser v ices, referra l ,an dp roactive out - reach opportunities throu g hout the entire deplo y ment cycle .T his program shall b e k nown as the Y ellow R ibbon Reintegration P ro- gram. ( b ) P URPOSE O F PRO G R AM;D EP L O Y ME NTC Y C LE. — The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program shall consist of informational events and activities for members of the reserve components of the A rmed F orces, their families, and community members to facilitate access to services supporting their health and well-being through the 4 phases of the deployment cycle

( 1 ) Pre-Deployment. ( 2 ) Deployment. ( 3 ) Demobili z ation. (4) Post-Deployment-Reconstitution. (c) EX ECUT IV E AGENT.—The S ecretary shall designate the U nder Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness as the Department of Defense e x ecutive agent for the Yellow Ribbon Re- integration Program. (d) O FFICE FOR REINTEGRATION PROGRAMS.— (1) ESTA B LIS H MENT.—The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness shall establish the Office for Re- integration Programs within the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The office shall administer all reintegration programs in coordination with State N ational G uard organizations. The office shall be responsible for coordination with existing National Guard and Reserve family and support programs. The Directors of the Army National Guard and Air National Guard and the Chiefs of the Army Reserve, M arine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, and Air Force Reserve may appoint liaison officers to coordinate with the permanent office staff. The office may also enter into partnerships with other public entities, including the Department of H ealth and Human Serv- ices, Substance Abuse and the Mental Health Services Adminis- tration, for access to necessary substance abuse and mental health treatment services from local State-licensed service pro- viders. (2) CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN REINTEGRATION.—The Office for Reintegration Programs shall establish a Center for Excellence in Reintegration within the office. The Center shall collect and analyze ‘ ‘lessons learned ’ ’ and suggestions from State National Guard and Reserve organizations with existing or developing reintegration programs. The Center shall also assist in developing training aids and briefing materials and training representatives from State National Guard and Reserve organizations. (e) A D VISORY B OARD.— (1) APPOINTMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall appoint an advisory board to analyze the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program and report on areas of success and areas for necessary improvements. The advisory board shall include the Director of the Army National Guard, the Director of the Air National Guard, Chiefs of the Army Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, and Air Force Reserve, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, an Ad j utant General on a rota- tional basis as determined by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, and any other Department of Defense, Federal Govern- ment agency, or outside organization as determined by the Establi s hmen t . Establishment. D esi g nati o n.