Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1468

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12 2 STA T . 1 4 4 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 3 4 —M A Y 22 , 200 8SEC.140 0 5 . A CC UR A T E DO CU M E N TAT I ONINT H E CENSUS O F A G RI - CU L TURE AND CERTAIN STUDIES. Section2501 o f t h e F oo d,Agr ic ul ture, C on s er va tion, and T rade Actof1 9 90 (7U. S.C. 2279 ) isa m ended by adding at the end the follo w ing

‘(h) A C C URATEDO CU M E N TAT I ON. — The Secretary shall ensure, to the ma x imum extent p racticable, that the Census of Agriculture and studies carried out by the E conomic R esearch Service accurately document the number, location, and economic contributions of socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers in agricultural produc - tion. ’ ’. SEC. 1400 6 . TRANS P ARENC Y AND ACCOUNTA B ILITY FOR SOCIALLY DIS- AD V ANTAGED FARMERS OR RANCHERS. Section 2501A of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 2279 – 1) is amended by stri k ing sub- section (c) and inserting the following new subsections: ‘‘(c) COM P I L ATION O FP RO G RAM PARTICIPATION DATA.— ‘‘(1) ANNUAL RE Q UIREMENT.—For each county and State in the United States, the Secretary of Agriculture (referred to in this section as the ‘Secretary’) shall annually compile program application and participation rate data regarding socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers by computing for each program of the Department of Agriculture that serves agricultural producers and landowners— ‘‘(A) raw numbers of applicants and participants by race, ethnicity, and gender, sub j ect to appropriate privacy protections, as determined by the Secretary

and ‘‘( B ) the application and participation rate, by race, ethnicity, and gender, as a percentage of the total participa- tion rate of all agricultural producers and landowners. ‘‘(2) AUT H ORIT Y TO COLLECT D ATA.—The heads of the agen- cies of the Department of Agriculture shall collect and transmit to the Secretary any data, including data on race, gender, and ethnicity, that the Secretary determines to be necessary to carry out paragraph (1). ‘‘( 3 ) REPORT.—Using the technologies and systems of the N ational Agricultural Statistics Service, the Secretary shall compile and present the data compiled under paragraph (1) for each program described in that paragraph in a manner that includes the raw numbers and participation rates for— ‘‘(A) the entire United States; ‘‘(B) each State; and ‘‘(C) each county in each State. ‘‘( 4 )PU B LIC A V AILABILITY OF REPORT.—The Secretary shall maintain and make readily available to the public, via website and otherwise in electronic and paper form, the report described in paragraph (3). ‘‘(d) L IMITATION S ON USE OF DATA.— ‘‘(1) PRIVACY PROTECTIONS.— I n carrying out this section, the Secretary shall not disclose the names or individual data of any program participant. ‘‘(2) AUTHORI Z ED USES.—The data under this section shall be used exclusively for the purposes described in subsection (a). Websit e .